DisplayStyle3dSettings Class

Provides access to the settings defined by a DisplayStyle3d or DisplayStyle3dState, and ensures that the style's JSON properties are kept in sync.



Name Description
constructor(jsonProperties: { styles?: DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps }, options?: DisplayStyleSettingsOptions): DisplayStyle3dSettings    
applyOverrides(overrides: DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps): void See applyOverrides.  
clearSunTime(): void Clear the solar time point stored in this.lights.solarLight.  
getPlanProjectionSettings(modelId: string): undefined | PlanProjectionSettings Get the plan projection settings associated with the specified model, if defined.  
is3d(): this is DisplayStyle3dSettings Returns true if this is a DisplayStyle3dSettings.  
setPlanProjectionSettings(modelId: string, settings: PlanProjectionSettings): void Set or clear the plan projection settings associated with the specified model.  
setSunTime(timePoint: number, location: Cartographic | IModel): void Adjust the solar light direction based on a date and time at a geographic location.  
toggleAtmosphere(display?: boolean): void Toggle display of the environment's Atmosphere.  
toggleGroundPlane(display?: boolean): void Toggle display of the environment's GroundPlane.  
toggleSkyBox(display?: boolean): void Toggle display of the environment's SkyBox.  
toJSON(): DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps Convert these settings to their JSON representation.  
toOverrides(options?: DisplayStyleOverridesOptions): DisplayStyle3dSettingsProps See toOverrides.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
addExcludedElements(id: string | Iterable<string, any, any>): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Add one or more elements to the set of elements not to be displayed.
clearExcludedElements(): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Remove all elements from the set of elements not to be displayed.
dropExcludedElement(id: string): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Remove an element from the set of elements not to be displayed.
dropExcludedElements(id: string | Iterable<string, any, any>): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Remove one or more elements from the set of elements not to be displayed.
dropModelAppearanceOverride(id: string): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Remove any appearance overrides applied to a Model by this style.
dropSubCategoryOverride(id: string): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Remove any SubCategoryOverride applied to a SubCategoryAppearance by this style.
getModelAppearanceOverride(id: string): undefined | FeatureAppearance Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Obtain the override applied to a Model by this style.
getRealityModelDisplaySettings(modelId: string): undefined | RealityModelDisplaySettings Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Get any settings that override how the reality model with the specified Id is displayed.
getSubCategoryOverride(id: string): undefined | SubCategoryOverride Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Obtain the override applied to a SubCategoryAppearance by this style.
overrideModelAppearance(modelId: string, ovr: FeatureAppearance): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Customize the way a Model is drawn by this display style.
overrideSubCategory(id: string, ovr: SubCategoryOverride): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Customize the way geometry belonging to a SubCategory is drawn by this display style.
setRealityModelDisplaySettings(modelId: string, settings: RealityModelDisplaySettings): void Inherited DisplayStyleSettings Change the settings that control how the reality model with the specified Id is displayed.


Name Type Description
ambientOcclusionSettings Accessor AmbientOcclusion.Settings The settings that control how ambient occlusion is displayed.  
contours Accessor ContourDisplay The settings that control contour display.  
environment Accessor Environment Controls the display of a SkyBox, GroundPlane, and Atmosphere.  
hiddenLineSettings Accessor HiddenLine.Settings The settings that control how visible and hidden edges are displayed.  
lights Accessor LightSettings    
planProjectionSettings Accessor ReadOnly undefined | Iterable<[string, PlanProjectionSettings], any, any> An iterator over all of the defined plan projection settings.  
solarShadows Accessor SolarShadowSettings The settings that control how solar shadows are displayed.  
sunTime Accessor ReadOnly undefined | number The time point from which the solar light direction was derived, in UNIX milliseconds.  
thematic Accessor ThematicDisplay The settings that control thematic display.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_json Protected Readonly Inherited DisplayStyleSettingsProps DisplayStyleSettings  
analysisFraction Accessor Inherited number DisplayStyleSettings A floating point value in [0..1] indicating the current point in animation of the analysisStyle, where 0 corresponds to the beginning of
the animation and 1 to the end. Default: 0.0.
analysisStyle Accessor Inherited undefined | AnalysisStyle DisplayStyleSettings Settings controlling the display of analytical models.
backgroundColor Accessor Inherited ColorDef DisplayStyleSettings The color displayed in the view background - by default, ColorDef.black.
backgroundMap Accessor Inherited BackgroundMapSettings DisplayStyleSettings Settings controlling display of the background map within views of geolocated models.
clipStyle Accessor Inherited ClipStyle DisplayStyleSettings The style applied to the view's ClipVector.
contextRealityModels Accessor Inherited ReadOnly ContextRealityModels DisplayStyleSettings Reality models to be displayed in the view.
excludedElementIds Accessor Inherited ReadOnly OrderedId64Iterable DisplayStyleSettings The set of elements that will not be drawn by this display style.
hasModelAppearanceOverride Accessor Inherited ReadOnly boolean DisplayStyleSettings Returns true if model appearance overrides are defined by this style.
hasSubCategoryOverride Accessor Inherited ReadOnly boolean DisplayStyleSettings Returns true if an SubCategoryOverrides are defined by this style.
mapImagery Accessor Inherited MapImagerySettings DisplayStyleSettings Settings defining the map imagery layers to be displayed within the view.
modelAppearanceOverrides Accessor Inherited ReadOnly Map<string, FeatureAppearance> DisplayStyleSettings The overrides applied by this style.
monochromeColor Accessor Inherited ColorDef DisplayStyleSettings The color used to draw geometry when monochrome is enabled - by default, ColorDef.white.
The monochrome color is applied to all surfaces and linear geometry, but only applied to the edges of surfaces in Wireframe.
monochromeMode Accessor Inherited MonochromeMode DisplayStyleSettings The style in which monochromeColor is applied when monochrome is enabled - by default, MonochromeMode.Scaled.
onAmbientOcclusionSettingsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newSettings: AmbientOcclusion.Settings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the ambientOcclusionSettings property.
onAnalysisFractionChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newFraction: number) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the analysisFraction property.
onAnalysisStyleChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newStyle: Readonly<AnalysisStyle>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the analysisStyle property.
onApplyOverrides Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(overrides: Readonly<DisplayStyleSettingsProps>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised by applyOverrides just before the overrides are applied.
onBackgroundColorChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newColor: ColorDef) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the backgroundColor property.
onBackgroundMapChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newMap: BackgroundMapSettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the backgroundMap property.
onClipStyleChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newStyle: ClipStyle) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the clipStyle property.
onContoursChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newContours: ContourDisplay) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the contours property.
onEnvironmentChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newEnv: Readonly<Environment>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the environment property.
onExcludedElementsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<() => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised when the contents of excludedElementIds changes.
onHiddenLineSettingsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newSettings: HiddenLine.Settings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the hiddenLineSettings property.
onLightsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newLights: LightSettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the DisplayStyle3dSettings.lights property.
onMapImageryChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newImagery: Readonly<MapImagerySettings>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the mapImagery property.
onModelAppearanceOverrideChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(modelId: string, newAppearance: FeatureAppearance) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just before changing the appearance override for a model.
onMonochromeColorChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newColor: ColorDef) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the monochromeColor property.
onMonochromeModeChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newMode: MonochromeMode) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the monochromeMode property.
onOverridesApplied Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(overrides: Readonly<DisplayStyleSettingsProps>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised by applyOverrides after the overrides are applied.
onPlanarClipMaskChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(modelId: string, newSettings: PlanarClipMaskSettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just before adding or removing an entry from planarClipMasks.
onPlanProjectionSettingsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(modelId: string, newSettings: PlanProjectionSettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just before changing the plan projection settings for a model.
onRealityModelDisplaySettingsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(modelId: string, newSettings: RealityModelDisplaySettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just before setRealityModelDisplaySettings changes the display settings for a reality model.
onRenderTimelineChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newRenderTimeline: string) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the renderTimeline property.
onScheduleScriptPropsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newProps: ReadonlyArray<RenderSchedule.ModelTimelineProps>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the scheduleScriptProps property.
onSolarShadowsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newSettings: SolarShadowSettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the solarShadows property.
onSubCategoryOverridesChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(subCategoryId: string, newOverrides: SubCategoryOverride) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised when the SubCategoryOverrides change.
onThematicChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newThematic: ThematicDisplay) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the thematic property.
onTimePointChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newTimePoint: number) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the timePoint property.
onViewFlagsChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newFlags: Readonly<ViewFlags>) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the viewFlags property.
onWhiteOnWhiteReversalChanged Readonly Inherited BeEvent<(newSettings: WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings) => void> DisplayStyleSettings Event raised just prior to assignment to the whiteOnWhiteReversal property.
planarClipMasks Accessor Inherited ReadOnly Map<string, PlanarClipMaskSettings> DisplayStyleSettings Planar clip masks to be applied to persistent reality models (See: SpatialModelState.isRealityModel.
The key for each entry is the Id of the model to which the mask settings apply.
renderTimeline Accessor Inherited undefined | string DisplayStyleSettings The Id of a RenderTimeline element containing a RenderSchedule.Script used to animate the view.
If scheduleScriptProps is defined, it takes precedence over the script supplied by the RenderTimeline.
scheduleScriptProps Accessor Inherited undefined | RenderSchedule.ScriptProps DisplayStyleSettings JSON representation of a RenderSchedule.Script embedded in the display style describing how to animate the contents of the view over time.
This script, if present, takes precedence over a script supplied by renderTimeline.
subCategoryOverrides Accessor Inherited ReadOnly Map<string, SubCategoryOverride> DisplayStyleSettings The overrides applied by this style.
timePoint Accessor Inherited undefined | number DisplayStyleSettings The point in time currently reflected by the view, expressed in seconds in the Unix epoch.
This identifies a point on the timeline of the style's RenderSchedule.Script, if any; it may also affect display of four-dimensional reality models.
viewFlags Accessor Inherited ViewFlags DisplayStyleSettings Flags controlling various aspects of the display style.
whiteOnWhiteReversal Accessor Inherited WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings DisplayStyleSettings Settings controlling how white-on-white reversal is applied when whiteOnWhiteReversal is enabled.

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025