

Name Description
ChangedInstanceIds Class for discovering modified elements between 2 versions of an iModel.
ChangedInstanceOps Class for holding change information.
ElementCascadingDeleter Deletes an entire element tree, including sub-models, child elements and code scope references.
IModelCloneContext The context for transforming a source Element to a target Element and remapping internal identifiers to the target iModel.
IModelExporter Base class for exporting data from an iModel.
IModelExportHandler Handles the events generated by IModelExporter.
IModelImporter Base class for importing data into an iModel.
IModelTransformer Base class used to transform a source iModel into a different target iModel.
TemplateModelCloner IModelTransformer that clones the contents of a template model.


Name Description
TransformerLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package

Global Functions

Name Description
deleteElementTreeCascade Deletes an element tree and code scope references starting with the specified top element.


Name Description
ExportSchemaResult The (optional) result of onExportSchema
IModelImportOptions Options provided to the IModelImporter constructor.
IModelTransformOptions Options provided to the IModelTransformer constructor.
InitOptions Arguments you can pass to initialize
OptimizeGeometryOptions Options provided to optimizeGeometry specifying post-processing optimizations to be applied to the iModel's geometry.
TargetScopeProvenanceJsonProps Data type for persisting change version information within provenance Scope ExternalSourceAspect.

Type Aliases

Name Description
ChangedInstanceIdsInitOptions Arguments for initialize
ExportChangesOptions Arguments for exportChanges
ExporterInitOptions Arguments for initialize, usually in case you want to query changedata early
ProcessChangesOptions Arguments used during process if provided in argsForProcessChanges.

Last Updated: 06 March, 2025