
Version: 5.0.5
Release Notes
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The ui-framework package contains classes and components for specifying the application UI consisting of the Backstage, Frontstages, Content Views, Tool Bars, Status Bars, Widgets and Panels. For more information, see the AppUI learning docs.


Name Description
AccuDraw Classes and components providing a UI for AccuDraw, an aide for entering coordinate data.
Admin APIs for various UI components, such as toolbars, buttons and menus.
Backstage Classes for working with a Backstage
ConfigurableUi Classes for working with the Application UI Configuration
ContentView Classes for working with a Content View, Group, Layout or Control
Cursor Cursor related information, components and events
Dialog Classes for working with a dialog
Frontstage Classes for working with a Frontstage
Hooks Hook functions for use in Functional React Components.
Item Classes for working with an Item in a Tool Widget, Navigation Widget or Backstage
KeyboardShortcut Classes for working with Keyboard Shortcuts
NavigationAids Classes for working with Navigation Aids
Notification Classes for working with a Notification or Message
ChildWindowManager Classes for working with child windows.
Picker Classes for working with various pickers
Popup Classes for working with popup components
State Classes for maintaining state
Settings Classes and components used by settings pages displayed in the modal settings stage
StandardUiItemsProvider Standard UiItemsProvider classes.
StatusBar Classes for defining a StatusBar
SyncUi Classes for informing UI components to sync/refresh their display
Timeline Classes for working with a TimelineComponent
Toolbar Classes used to construct a Toolbar
Tools Core Tool definitions
ToolSettings Classes for working Tool Settings.
UiProvider Interfaces and classes for specifying UI items to be inserted at runtime.
UiStateStorage Interfaces and classes for persisting UI settings.
Utilities Various utility classes for working with a UI and Redux.
Widget Classes for working with a Widget
All Displays the contents of all topics in this package.

Last Updated: 21 January, 2025