Get Started

There are two ways to start using the AppUI framework. You can either use the prebuilt Viewer component or configure the AppUI manually depending on your needs.

Viewer component

The Viewer component is a wrapper around iTwin.js and AppUI that does the required initializations, provides a default configuration and a set of props to control AppUI for a quick start.

The Viewer component is available in the @itwin/web-viewer-react or @itwin/desktop-viewer-react packages.

Use the viewer component by rendering it in your React App. Below is an example of the web viewer component in its simplest form and will display a 3D view of the iModel.

<Viewer authClient={authClient} iTwinId={iTwinId} iModelId={iModelId} />

You can get more information on the available props and how to use them in the package's documentation linked above.

If starting from scratch, you can follow the web or desktop starter applications tutorials.

Manual configuration

To get full control over AppUI initialization, you can configure it manually. This is useful if you need specific behavior during the initialization, are not satisfied with the Viewer component behavior or already have set up your IModelApp web, desktop or mobile application.

  1. Initialize IModelApp.

    AppUI relies on the iTwin.js IModelApp singleton. You can initialize it by calling IModelApp.startup() and provide it with the desired configuration.

    Some of AppUI features are provided through the following IModelApp startup options.

    Option Class
    notifications AppNotificationManager
    uiAdmin FrameworkUiAdmin
    accuDraw FrameworkAccuDraw
    toolAdmin FrameworkToolAdmin

    You can find more information on setting up IModelApp in the IModelApp learning section.

  2. Initialize UiFramework.

    UiFramework is the main entry point of AppUI APIs. It is a singleton that needs to be initialized before using any of the AppUI components.

  3. Render ConfigurableUiContent.

    ConfigurableUiContent is the main component of AppUI. It is responsible for rendering the UI and managing the UI state. It needs to be rendered inside ThemeManager and UiStateStorageHandler components.

        <ConfigurableUiContent />

With these initialization steps, AppUI is ready to display frontstages.

AppUI from version 4.15.0 no longer requires redux store to be setup by the application. However, it is recommended for existing applications to continue using the redux store for backwards compatibility until all components are migrated from accessing the deprecated store directly.

  • Initialize your redux store with FrameworkReducer and provide it to the UiFramework singleton at initialization, along with a key where the state should be kept in your app store. Otherwise, UiFramework will create its own store by passing it undefined. This store can then be accessed by the property.

    UiFramework.initialize(store, "appUIState");


  • Wrap your application with the redux Provider component and provide the store.

    <Provider store={}>
          <ConfigurableUiContent />

Next steps

Whether you use the Viewer component or configure AppUI manually, you can now create the content your application will display by following the Define Content section.

Last Updated: 07 August, 2024