Version: 5.3.0
Release Notes | Change Log
The core-react package contains general purpose React components, such as Dialog, MessageBox, SearchBox, RadialMenu and SplitButton.
Name | Description |
AutoSuggest | Component for input with an auto-suggestion dropdown. |
Base | Low-level classes and components for building application UI. |
Button | Components for working with various Buttons. |
Checkbox | Component is a wrapper for the <input type="checkbox"> HTML element. |
CheckListBox | Components for working with a Check listbox. |
Common | Common classes and enums used across various UI components. |
ContextMenu | Components for working with a Context Menu. |
Dialog | Components for working with a Dialog or MessageBox. |
ElementSeparator | Components for working with a ElementSeparator. |
Expandable | Components for working with a ExpandableBlock or ExpandableList. |
Icon | Component that renders core-react icon when given an icon name or SVG source. |
Inputs | Components for working with input controls, such as Input, IconInput and NumberInput. |
Listbox | Components for working with a Listbox. |
Loading | Components for working with Loading spinners and progress indicators and bars. |
Notification | Components for working with messages and tooltips. |
Popup | Components for working with a Popup. |
RadialMenu | Components for working with a RadialMenu. |
SearchBox | Components for working with a SearchBox. |
Settings | Manager and UI Components that allow users to modify settings for different packages and extensions. |
Tabs | Components for working with horizontal or vertical tabs. |
Text | Components for working with styled text. |
Tree | Presentation React components for working with a Tree. |
UiStateStorage | Interfaces and classes for working with persistent UI settings. |
Utilities | Various utility classes, functions and React hooks for working with a UI. |
All | Displays the contents of all topics in this package. |
Last Updated: 14 March, 2025
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