

Name Description
FavoritePropertiesManager The favorite property manager which lets to store favorite properties
HiliteSetProvider Presentation-based provider which uses presentation ruleset to determine
Presentation Static class used to statically set up Presentation library for the frontend.
PresentationManager Frontend Presentation manager which basically just forwards all calls to
SelectionChangeEvent An event broadcasted on selection changes
SelectionHandler A class that handles selection changes and helps to change
SelectionHelper Helper class for working with selection.
SelectionManager The selection manager which stores the overall selection.
SelectionScopesManager A manager that knows available selection scopes


Name Description
DefaultFavoritePropertiesStorageTypes Available implementations of IFavoritePropertiesStorage.
FavoritePropertiesScope Scopes that favorite properties can be stored in.
PresentationFrontendLoggerCategory Logger categories used by this package
SelectionChangeType The type of selection change

Global Functions

Name Description
consoleDiagnosticsHandler A function which logs messages to the console.
createCombinedDiagnosticsHandler A function which calls all diagnostics handlers passed to it.
createFavoritePropertiesStorage A factory method to create one of the available IFavoritePropertiesStorage implementations.
createSelectionScopeProps Normalizes given scope options and returns SelectionScopeProps that can be used for
getScopeId Determines the scope id Deprecated


Name Description
FavoritePropertiesManagerProps Properties for initializing FavoritePropertiesManager
FavoritePropertiesOrderInfo Holds the information of favorite properties ordering.
HiliteSet A set of model, subcategory and element ids that can be used for specifying
HiliteSetProviderProps Properties for creating a HiliteSetProvider instance.
IFavoritePropertiesStorage Stores user preferences for favorite properties.
IModelContentChangeEventArgs Data structure that describes iModel content change event arguments.
IModelHierarchyChangeEventArgs Data structure that describes IModel hierarchy change event arguments.
ISelectionProvider Selection provider interface which provides main selection and sub-selection.
PresentationManagerProps Properties used to configure PresentationManager
PresentationProps Props for initializing Presentation.
RulesetManager Presentation ruleset registry.
RulesetVariablesManager Presentation ruleset variables' registry.
SelectionChangeEventArgs The event object that's sent when the selection changes.
SelectionHandlerProps Properties for creating a SelectionHandler instance.
SelectionManagerProps Properties for creating SelectionManager.
SelectionScopesManagerProps Properties for creating SelectionScopesManager.

Type Aliases

Name Description
GetContentRequestOptions Options for requests that retrieve content.
GetDistinctValuesRequestOptions Options for requests that retrieve distinct values.
GetNodesRequestOptions Options for requests that retrieve nodes.
MultipleValuesRequestOptions Options for requests that can return multiple pages of items concurrently.
PropertyFullName Format:
SelectionChangesListener An interface for selection change listeners.

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024