Classes for working with Views
Name | Description | |
AuxCoordSystem2dState | The state of an AuxCoordSystem2d element in the frontend | |
AuxCoordSystem3dState | The state of an AuxCoordSystem3d element in the frontend | |
AuxCoordSystemSpatialState | The state of an AuxCoordSystemSpatial element in the frontend | |
AuxCoordSystemState | The state of an AuxCoordSystem element in the frontend | |
CategorySelectorState | A set of Categories to be displayed in a ViewState. | |
ChangeFlags | Describes which aspects of a Viewport have changed. | |
Cluster | A cluster of one or more Markers that overlap one another in the view. | |
ContextRealityModelState | A ContextRealityModel attached to a DisplayStyleState supplying a TileTreeReference used to draw the | |
DisplayStyle2dState | A display style that can be applied to 2d views. | |
DisplayStyle3dState | A DisplayStyleState that can be applied to spatial views. | |
DisplayStyleState | A DisplayStyle defines the parameters for 'styling' the contents of a ViewState. | |
DrawingViewState | A view of a DrawingModel | |
FrustumAnimator | Animates the transition of a Viewport from one Frustum to another. | |
GlobeAnimator | Animates the transition of a Viewport to view a location on the Earth. | |
IconSprites | Icon sprites are loaded from .png files in the assets directory of imodeljs-native. | |
MarginPercent | Specifies margins to apply around a view volume for methods like lookAtVolume and zoomToElements, expanding the | |
Marker | A Marker is a CanvasDecoration, whose position follows a fixed location in world space. | |
MarkerSet | A set of Markers that are logically related, such that they cluster when they overlap one another in screen space. | |
ModelSelectorState | The state of a ModelSelector. | |
MutableChangeFlags | A ChangeFlags that permits modifying the states of individual ChangeFlags. | |
OffScreenViewport | A viewport that draws to an offscreen buffer instead of to the screen. | |
OrthographicViewState | Defines a spatial view that displays geometry on the image plane using a parallel orthographic projection. | |
PlanarClipMaskState | The State of Planar Clip Mask applied to a reality model or background map. | |
ScreenViewport | An interactive Viewport that exists within an HTMLDivElement. | |
SheetViewState | A view of a SheetModel. | |
SpatialClassifiersState | The front-end representation of SpatialClassifiers that adds support for classifying a reality model using non-persistent | |
SpatialViewState | Defines a view of one or more SpatialModels. | |
Sprite | Sprites are small raster images that are drawn on top of Viewports by a ViewDecoration. | |
SpriteLocation | A Sprite location. | |
StandardView | Supplies access to a set of commonly-used view rotations. | |
TwoWayViewportFrustumSync | Forms a bidirectional connection between two Viewports such that the Frustums of each are synchronized with one another. | |
TwoWayViewportSync | Forms a bidirectional connection between two Viewports such that the ViewStates of each are synchronized with one another. | |
ViewCreator2d | API for creating a ViewState2d for a 2D model (GeometricModel2dState). | |
ViewCreator3d | API for creating a 3D default ViewState3d for an iModel. | |
ViewingSpace | Describes a Viewport's viewing volume, plus its size on the screen. | |
ViewManager | The ViewManager holds the list of opened views, plus the selected view. | |
Viewport | A Viewport renders the contents of one or more GeometricModels onto an HTMLCanvasElement . |
ViewPose | The "pose" for a View describing the viewed area or volume, depending upon whether | |
ViewPose2d | The "pose" for a ViewState2d. | |
ViewPose3d | The "pose" for a ViewState3d, including information about the view's Camera if it is enabled. | |
ViewRect | A rectangle in unsigned integer view coordinates with (0,0) corresponding to the top-left corner of the view. | |
ViewState | The front-end state of a ViewDefinition element. | |
ViewState2d | Defines the state of a view of a single 2d model. | |
ViewState3d | Defines the state of a view of 3d models. |
Name | Description | |
ACSDisplayOptions | ||
ACSType | ||
ChangeFlag | Bit masks describing which aspects of a Viewport have changed as part of a ChangeFlags. | |
CoordSystem | Coordinate system types | |
DepthPointSource | Source of depth point returned by pickDepthPoint. | |
StandardViewId | Describes a set of commonly-used view rotations. | |
ViewStatus | Describes the result of a viewing operation such as those exposed by ViewState and Viewport. | |
ViewUndoEvent | Describes an undo or redo event for a Viewport. |
Global Functions
Name | Description | |
calculateEcefToDbTransformAtLocation | Calculate the ECEF to database (IModel) coordinate transform at a provided location, using the GCS of the iModel. | |
connectViewportFrusta | Form a connection between two or more Viewports such that they all view the same volume. | |
connectViewports | Forms a connection between two or more Viewports such that a change in any one of the viewports is reflected in all of the others. | |
connectViewportViews | Form a connection between two or more Viewports such that every aspect of the viewports are kept in sync. | |
queryTerrainElevationOffset | Queries the actual elevation of a cartographic point on the globe (using Bing elevation services) | |
synchronizeViewportFrusta | A function that returns a SynchronizeViewports function that synchronizes the viewed volumes of each viewport. | |
synchronizeViewportViews | A function that returns a SynchronizeViewports function that synchronizes every aspect of the viewports' states, including |
Name | Description | |
Animator | An object to animate a transition of a Viewport. | |
ChangeViewedModel2dOptions | Options for changing the viewed Model of a 2d view via changeViewedModel2d | |
ComputeDisplayTransformArgs | Arguments supplied to computeDisplayTransform. | |
ComputeSpatialViewFitRangeOptions | Options supplied to computeFitRange. | |
Decorator | Interface for drawing decoration graphics into, or on top of, the active ScreenViewports managed by ViewManager. | |
DepthPointOptions | Options to control behavior of pickDepthPoint. | |
DepthRangeNpc | The minimum and maximum values for the z-depth of a rectangle of screen space. | |
DynamicSpatialClassifier | A SpatialClassifier that uses geoemtry produced at run-time to classify a reality model. | |
ExtentLimits | Describes the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents of a ViewState. | |
FeatureOverrideProvider | An object that customizes the appearance of Features within a Viewport using Overrides. | |
GetPixelDataWorldPointArgs | Arguments to getPixelDataWorldPoint. | |
GlobalAlignmentOptions | Options that control how a view is aligned with the globe. | |
GlobalLocation | Describes a location on the earth using cartographic data structures. | |
GlobalLocationArea | Describes a rectangular area of the earth using cartographic data structures. | |
LookAtArgs | Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt for either a perspective or orthographic view | |
LookAtOrthoArgs | Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt to set up an orthographic view | |
LookAtPerspectiveArgs | Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt to set up a perspective view | |
LookAtUsingLensAngle | Arguments to ViewState3d.lookAt to set up an perspective view using a (field-of-view) lens angle. | |
MapLayerScaleRangeVisibility | MapLayer visibility based on its scale range definition. | |
MarginOptions | Options that control the margin around the edges of a volume for lookAt and Fit view operations | |
ModelDisplayTransform | A Transform supplied by a ModelDisplayTransformProvider to be applied to a model when displaying it in a Viewport. | |
ModelDisplayTransformProvider | Interface adopted by an object that wants to apply a ModelDisplayTransform to one or more models within a Viewport. | |
OffScreenViewportOptions | Options supplied when creating an OffScreenViewport. | |
OnViewExtentsError | A method to be called if an error occurs while adjusting a ViewState's extents | |
OsmBuildingDisplayOptions | Options controlling display of OpenStreetMap Buildings. | |
PaddingPercent | Specifies padding to apply around a view volume for methods like lookAtVolume and zoomToElements, expanding or | |
ReadImageBufferArgs | Arguments supplied to readImageBuffer. | |
ReadPixelsArgs | Arguments supplied to readPixels. | |
SelectedViewportChangedArgs | Argument for onSelectedViewportChanged | |
TiledGraphicsProvider | Provides a way for applications to inject additional non-decorative graphics into a Viewport by supplying one or more TileTreeReferences capable of loading and drawing the graphics. | |
ToolTipProvider | An object that can contribute customizations to the tooltip displayed when mousing over an element or other entity in a Viewport. | |
ViewAnimationOptions | Options that control how an Viewport animation behaves. | |
ViewChangeOptions | Options that control how operations that change a viewport behave. | |
ViewCreator2dOptions | Options for creating a ViewState2d via ViewCreator2d. | |
ViewCreator3dOptions | Options for creating a ViewState3d via ViewCreator3d. | |
ViewportDecorator | Interface for drawing Decorations into, or on top of, a ScreenViewport. | |
ZoomToOptions | Options to allow changing the view rotation with zoomTo methods and ensure minimum bounding box dimensions for zoomToElements. |
Name | Description | |
Frustum2d | Constants and functions for working with two-dimensions Frustums. | |
PerModelCategoryVisibility | Per-model category visibility permits the visibility of categories within a Viewport displaying a SpatialViewState to be overridden in | |
TiledGraphicsProvider |
Type Aliases
Name | Description | |
ActiveSpatialClassifier | Describes the source of geometry being used to classify a reality model. | |
AttachToViewportArgs | Arguments to attachToViewport. | |
MarkerFillStyle | ||
MarkerImage | The types that may be used for Markers | |
MarkerTextAlign | ||
MarkerTextBaseline | ||
OnFlashedIdChangedEventArgs | Payload for the onFlashedIdChanged event indicating Ids of the currently- and/or previously-flashed objects. | |
PersistentSpatialClassifier | A SpatialClassifier that uses geometry from a persistent GeometricModelState to classify a reality model. | |
SynchronizeViewports | A function used by connectViewports that can synchronize the state of a target Viewport with |
Last Updated: 14 March, 2025
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