TileTreeReference Class

A reference to a TileTree suitable for drawing within a Viewport. The reference does not own its tile tree - it merely refers to it by way of the tree's TileTreeOwner. The specific TileTree referenced by this object may change based on the current state of the Viewport in which it is drawn - for example, as a result of changing the RenderMode, or animation settings, or classification settings, etc. A reference to a TileTree is typically associated with a ViewState, a DisplayStyleState, or a Viewport. Multiple TileTreeReferences can refer to the same TileTree with different parameters and logic - for example, the same background map tiles can be displayed in two viewports with differing levels of transparency.

@see TiledGraphicsProvider to supply custom TileTreeReferences to be drawn within a Viewport.

Extended by


Name Description
constructor(): TileTreeReference    
_collectTileGeometry(collector: TileGeometryCollector): void Protected A function that can be assigned to collectTileGeometry to enable geometry collection for references to tile trees that support geometry collection.  
_createGeometryTreeReference(): undefined | GeometryTileTreeReference Protected Create a tile tree reference equivalent to this one that also supplies an implementation of collectTileGeometry.  
accumulateTransformedRange(range: Range3d, matrix: Matrix4d, frustumPlanes?: FrustumPlanes): void    
addLogoCards(_cards: HTMLTableElement, _vp: ScreenViewport): void Add attribution logo cards for the tile tree source logo cards to the viewport's logo div.  
addToScene(context: SceneContext): void Adds this reference's graphics to the scene.  
canSupplyToolTip(_hit: HitDetail): boolean Return whether this TileTreeReference can supply a tooltip describing the entity represented by the specified hit.  
collectStatistics(stats: RenderMemory.Statistics): void Record graphics memory consumed by this tile tree reference.  
computeTransform(tree: TileTree): Transform Protected Compute a transform from this tile tree reference's coordinate space to the IModelConnection's coordinate space.  
computeWorldContentRange(): Range3d Compute the range of this tile tree's contents in world coordinates.  
createDrawArgs(context: SceneContext): undefined | TileDrawArgs Create context for drawing the tile tree, if it is ready for drawing.  
createGeometryTreeReference(): undefined | GeometryTileTreeReference Obtain a tile tree reference equivalent to this one that also supplies an implementation of collectTileGeometry, or  
decorate(_context: DecorateContext): void Optionally add any decorations specific to this reference.  
discloseTileTrees(trees: DisclosedTileTreeSet): void Disclose all TileTrees use by this reference.  
draw(args: TileDrawArgs): void Adds this reference's graphics to the scene.  
getAppearanceProvider(_tree: TileTree): undefined | FeatureAppearanceProvider Protected Return a provider that can supplement the view's symbology overrides.  
getClipVolume(tree: TileTree): undefined | RenderClipVolume Protected Return the clip volume applied to this reference's tile tree, if any.  
getHiddenLineSettings(_tree: TileTree): undefined | HiddenLine.Settings Protected Return hidden line settings to replace those defined for the view.  
getLocation(): undefined | Transform Supply transform from this tile tree reference's location to iModel coordinate space.  
getSymbologyOverrides(_tree: TileTree): undefined | FeatureSymbology.Overrides Protected Return overrides that replace any defined for the view.  
getToolTip(_hit: HitDetail): Promise<undefined | string | HTMLElement> Return a tooltip describing the hit, or undefined if no tooltip can be supplied.  
getToolTipPromise(hit: HitDetail): undefined | Promise<undefined | string | HTMLElement> Obtain a tooltip describing the specified hit, or undefined if this tile tree reference cannot supply a tooltip for the hit.  
getTransformFromIModel(): undefined | Transform    
getViewFlagOverrides(tree: TileTree): Partial<Mutable<NonFunctionPropertiesOf<ViewFlags>>> Protected Supply overrides that should be applied to the ViewState's ViewFlags when drawing this tile tree reference.  
unionFitRange(union: Range3d): void Unions this reference's range with the supplied range to help compute a volume in world space for fitting a viewport to its contents.  
createFromRenderGraphic(args: RenderGraphicTileTreeArgs): TileTreeReference Static Create a TileTreeReference that displays a pre-defined RenderGraphic.  


Name Type Description
_isLoadingComplete Accessor Protected ReadOnly boolean Override if additional asynchronous loading is required after the tile tree is successfully loaded, to indicate when that loading has completed.  
castsShadows Accessor ReadOnly boolean Return whether the geometry exposed by this tile tree reference should cast shadows on other geometry.  
collectTileGeometry (collector: TileGeometryCollector) => void | undefined If defined, supplies the implementation of collectTileGeometry.  
isGlobal Accessor ReadOnly boolean Return whether this reference has global coverage.  
isLoadingComplete Accessor ReadOnly boolean Return true if the tile tree is fully loaded and ready to draw.  
planarClipMaskPriority Accessor ReadOnly number The PlanarClipMaskPriority of this tile tree used to determine which tile trees contribute to a clip mask when  
treeOwner Accessor Abstract ReadOnly TileTreeOwner The owner of the currently-referenced TileTree.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024