Matrix4d Class

  • A Matrix4d is a matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns.
  • The 4 rows may be described as the x,y,z,w rows.
  • The 4 columns may be described as the x,y,z,w columns.
  • The matrix is physically stored as a Float64Array with 16 numbers.
  • The layout in the Float64Array is "by row"
    • indices 0,1,2,3 are the "x row". They may be called the xx,xy,xz,xw entries
    • indices 4,5,6,7 are the "y row" They may be called the yx,yy,yz,yw entries
    • indices 8,9,10,11 are the "z row" They may be called the zx,zy,zz,zw entries
    • indices 12,13,14,15 are the "w row". They may be called the wx,wy,wz,ww entries
  • If "w row" contains numeric values 0,0,0,1, the Matrix4d is equivalent to a Transform with
  • The upper left 3x3 matrix (entries 0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10) are the 3x3 matrix part of the transform
  • The far right column entries xw,yw,zw are the "origin" (sometimes called "translation") part of the transform.



Name Description
addMomentsInPlace(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): void Add the product terms [xx,xy,xz,xw, yx, yy, yz, yw, zx, zy, zz, zs, wx, wy, wz, ww] to respective entries in the matrix  
addScaledInPlace(other: Matrix4d, scale: number1.0): void accumulate all coefficients of other to this.  
addScaledOuterProductInPlace(vectorU: Point4d, vectorV: Point4d, scale: number): void add an outer product (single column times single row times scale factor) to this matrix.  
addTranslationSandwichInPlace(matrixB: Matrix4d, ax: number, ay: number, az: number, scale: number): void Add (in place) scaleAB*AT where  
atIJ(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): number Return a matrix entry by row and column index.  
clone(result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Return a deep clone.  
cloneTransposed(result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Return a transposed matrix.  
columnDotColumn(columnIndexThis: number, other: Matrix4d, columnIndexOther: number): number Returns dot product of row rowIndexThis of this with row rowIndexOther of other.  
columnDotRow(columnIndexThis: number, other: Matrix4d, rowIndexOther: number): number Returns dot product of column columnIndexThis of this with row rowIndexOther other.  
columnW(): Point4d Return column 3 as Point4d.  
columnX(): Point4d Return column 0 as Point4d.  
columnY(): Point4d Return column 1 as Point4d.  
columnZ(): Point4d Return column 2 as Point4d.  
createInverse(result?: Matrix4d): undefined | Matrix4d Compute an inverse matrix.  
determinant(): number Return the determinant of the matrix.  
diagonal(): Point4d Return a Point4d with the diagonal entries of the matrix  
getSteppedPoint(i0: number, step: number, result?: Point4d): Point4d Return a point with entries from positions [i0, i0+step, i0+2step, i0+3step].  
isAlmostEqual(other: Matrix4d): boolean Test for near-equality with other  
isExactEqual(other: Matrix4d): boolean Test for exact (bitwise) equality with other.  
isIdentity(tol: number1.0e-10): boolean set to identity.  
matrixPart(): Matrix3d return the leading 3x3 matrix part of this matrix  
maxAbs(): number Return the largest absolute value in the Matrix4d  
maxDiff(other: Matrix4d): number Return the largest (absolute) difference between this and other Matrix4d.  
multiplyBlockedFloat64ArrayInPlace(data: Float64Array): void multiply matrix times column vectors [x,y,z,w] where [x,y,z,w] appear in blocks in an array.  
multiplyMatrixMatrix(other: Matrix4d, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d multiply this * other.  
multiplyMatrixMatrixTranspose(other: Matrix4d, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d multiply this * transpose(other).  
multiplyMatrixTransposeMatrix(other: Matrix4d, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d multiply transpose (this) * other.  
multiplyPoint3d(pt: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, w: number, result?: Point4d): Point4d multiply matrix times XYAndZ and w.  
multiplyPoint3dArray(pts: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>[], results: Point4d[], w: number1.0): void multiply matrix times and array of XYAndZ.  
multiplyPoint3dArrayQuietNormalize(points: Point3d[]): void multiply each matrix * points[i].  
multiplyPoint3dQuietNormalize(point: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Point3d): Point3d multiply matrix * point.  
multiplyPoint4d(point: Point4d, result?: Point4d): Point4d multiply a Point4d, return with the optional result convention.  
multiplyPoint4dArrayQuietRenormalize(pts: Point4d[], results: Point3d[]): void multiply matrix * an array of Point4d.  
multiplyTranslationSandwichInPlace(ax: number, ay: number, az: number): void Multiply and replace contents of this matrix by AthisAT where  
multiplyTransposePoint4d(point: Point4d, result?: Point4d): Point4d multiply a Point4d, return with the optional result convention.  
multiplyTransposeXYZW(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, result?: Point4d): Point4d multiply [x,y,z,w] times matrix.  
multiplyXYZW(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, result?: Point4d): Point4d multiply matrix times column [x,y,z,w].  
multiplyXYZWQuietRenormalize(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, result?: Point3d): Point3d multiply matrix * [x,y,z,w].  
plusScaled(matrixB: Matrix4d, scale: number, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d return this matrix plus scale times matrixB.  
rowArrays(f?: (value: number) => any): any Returns an array-of-arrays of the matrix rows, optionally passing each value through a function.  
rowDotColumn(rowIndex: number, other: Matrix4d, columnIndex: number): number Returns dot product of row rowIndex of this with column columnIndex of other.  
rowDotRow(rowIndexThis: number, other: Matrix4d, rowIndexOther: number): number Returns dot product of row rowIndexThis of this with row rowIndexOther of other.  
rowDotXYZW(rowIndex: number, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): number Returns dot product of row rowIndex of this with [x y z w]  
rowOperation(rowIndexA: number, rowIndexB: number, firstColumnIndex: number, scale: number): void Add scale times rowA to rowB.  
rowW(): Point4d Return row 3 as Point4d.  
rowX(): Point4d Return row 0 as Point4d.  
rowY(): Point4d Return row 1 as Point4d.  
rowZ(): Point4d Return row 2 as Point4d.  
scaleRowsInPlace(ax: number, ay: number, az: number, aw: number): void Scale each row by respective scale factors.  
setAtIJ(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number, value: number): void Set a matrix entry by row and column index.  
setFrom(other: Matrix4d): void Copy matrix entries from other  
setFromJSON(json?: Matrix4dProps): void Set from nested array json e.g.  
setIdentity(): void set to identity.  
setOriginAndVectors(origin: XYZ, vectorX: Vector3d, vectorY: Vector3d, vectorZ: Vector3d): void directly set columns from typical 3d data:  
setZero(): void zero this matrix4d in place.  
toJSON(): Matrix4dProps Convert an Matrix4d to a Matrix4dProps.  
weight(): number return the weight component of this matrix  
createBoxToBox(lowA: Point3d, highA: Point3d, lowB: Point3d, highB: Point3d, result?: Matrix4d): undefined | Matrix4d Static Create a mapping that scales and translates (no rotation) from box A to box B  
createIdentity(result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static return an identity matrix.  
createRows(rowX: Point4d, rowY: Point4d, rowZ: Point4d, rowW: Point4d, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static Create a Matrix4d from 16 values appearing as Point4d for each row.  
createRowValues(cxx: number, cxy: number, cxz: number, cxw: number, cyx: number, cyy: number, cyz: number, cyw: number, czx: number, czy: number, czz: number, czw: number, cwx: number, cwy: number, cwz: number, cww: number, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static create a Matrix4d with values supplied "across the rows"  
createTransform(source: Transform, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static promote a transform to full Matrix4d (with 0001 in final row)  
createTranslationAndScaleXYZ(tx: number, ty: number, tz: number, scaleX: number, scaleY: number, scaleZ: number, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static Create a Matrix4d with translation and scaling values directly inserted (along with 1 as final diagonal entry)  
createTranslationXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number, result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static return matrix with translation directly inserted (along with 1 on diagonal)  
createZero(result?: Matrix4d): Matrix4d Static create a Matrix4d filled with zeros.  
fromJSON(json?: Matrix4dProps): Matrix4d Static Create from nested array json e.g.  


Name Type Description
asTransform Accessor ReadOnly undefined | Transform Return the (affine, non-perspective) Transform with the upper 3 rows of this matrix  
hasPerspective Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if the w row has content other than [0,0,0,1]  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024