ViewDefinition Class
The definition element for a view. ViewDefinitions specify the area/volume that is viewed, the Ids of a DisplayStyle and a CategorySelector, plus additional view-specific parameters in their jsonProperties. Subclasses of ViewDefinition determine which model(s) are viewed.
@note ViewDefinition is only available in the backend. See ViewState for usage in the frontend.
Extended by
Name | Description | |
constructor(props: ViewDefinitionProps, iModel: IModelDb): ViewDefinition Protected | ||
collectReferenceIds(referenceIds: EntityReferenceSet): void Protected | Collect the Ids of this entity's references at this level of the class hierarchy. | |
getAuxiliaryCoordinateSystemId(): string | The Id of the AuxiliaryCoordinateSystem for this ViewDefinition, or an invalid Id if no ACS is defined. | |
isDrawingView(): this is DrawingViewDefinition | Type guard for 'instanceof DrawingViewDefinition' | |
isSpatialView(): this is SpatialViewDefinition | Type guard for instanceof SpatialViewDefinition |
isView2d(): this is ViewDefinition2d | Type guard for 'instanceof ViewDefinition2d` | |
isView3d(): this is ViewDefinition3d | Type guard for instanceof ViewDefinition3d |
loadCategorySelector(): CategorySelector | Load this view's CategorySelector from the IModelDb. | |
loadDisplayStyle(): DisplayStyle | Load this view's DisplayStyle from the IModelDb. | |
setAuxiliaryCoordinateSystemId(acsId: string): void | Set or clear the AuxiliaryCoordinateSystem for this ViewDefinition. | |
toJSON(): ViewDefinitionProps | Obtain the JSON representation of this Entity. | |
createCode(iModel: IModelDb, scopeModelId: string, codeValue: string): Code Static | Create a Code for a ViewDefinition given a name that is meant to be unique within the scope of the specified DefinitionModel. | |
onCloned(context: IModelElementCloneContext, sourceElementProps: ViewDefinitionProps, targetElementProps: ViewDefinitionProps): void Protected Static |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
collectPredecessorIds(predecessorIds: EntityReferenceSet): void Protected Inherited | DefinitionElement | Collect the Ids of this element's references at this level of the class hierarchy. |
delete(): void Inherited | DefinitionElement | Delete this Element from the iModel. |
forEachProperty(func: PropertyCallback, includeCustom: booleantrue): void Inherited | DefinitionElement | Call a function for each property of this Entity. |
getClassMetaData(): undefined | EntityMetaData Inherited | DefinitionElement | Get the class metadata for this element. |
getDisplayLabel(): string Inherited | DefinitionElement | Get a display label for this Element. |
getJsonProperty(nameSpace: string): any Inherited | DefinitionElement | Get a JSON property of this element, by namespace |
getPredecessorIds(): Id64Set Inherited | DefinitionElement | Get the Ids of this element's references. |
getReferenceIds(): EntityReferenceSet Inherited | DefinitionElement | Get the set of this entity's entity references, EntityReferenceSet. |
DefinitionElement | Get a list of HTML strings that describe this Element for the tooltip. | |
getUserProperties(namespace: string): any Inherited | DefinitionElement | Get a set of JSON user properties by namespace |
insert(): string Inherited | DefinitionElement | Insert this Element into the iModel. |
removeUserProperties(nameSpace: string): void Inherited | DefinitionElement | Remove a set of JSON user properties, specified by namespace, from this Element |
setJsonProperty(nameSpace: string, value: any): void Inherited | DefinitionElement | |
setUserProperties(nameSpace: string, value: any): void Inherited | DefinitionElement | Change a set of user JSON properties of this Element by namespace. |
update(): void Inherited | DefinitionElement | Update this Element in the iModel. |
is(otherClass: ): boolean Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | return whether this Entity class is a subclass of another Entity class |
onAllInputsHandled(_id: string, _iModel: IModelDb): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called on an element in a graph after all of its inputs have been processed and before its outputs are processed. |
onBeforeOutputsHandled(_id: string, _iModel: IModelDb): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when a root element in a subgraph is changed and before its outputs are processed. |
onChildAdd(_arg: OnChildElementPropsArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when an existing element is about to be updated so that an instance of this class will become its new parent. |
onChildAdded(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an existing element has been updated so that an instance of this class is its new parent. |
onChildDelete(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when an element with an instance of this class as its parent is about to be deleted. |
onChildDeleted(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an element with an instance of this class as its parent was successfully deleted. |
onChildDrop(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when an element with an instance of this class as its parent is about to be updated change to a different parent. |
onChildDropped(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an element with an instance of this class as its previous parent was updated to have a new parent. |
onChildInsert(_arg: OnChildElementPropsArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when a new element with an instance of this class as its parent is about to be inserted. |
onChildInserted(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after a new element with an instance of this class as its parent was inserted. |
onChildUpdate(_arg: OnChildElementPropsArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when an element with an instance of this class as its parent is about to be updated. |
onChildUpdated(_arg: OnChildElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an element with an instance of this the class as its parent was updated. |
onDelete(arg: OnElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called before an Element is deleted. |
onDeleted(_arg: OnElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an Element was deleted. |
onInsert(arg: OnElementPropsArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called before a new Element is inserted. |
onInserted(arg: OnElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after a new Element was inserted. |
onSubModelDelete(_arg: OnSubModelIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when a sub-model of an instance of this class is being deleted. |
onSubModelDeleted(_arg: OnSubModelIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after a sub-model of an instance of this class was deleted. |
onSubModelInsert(_arg: OnSubModelPropsArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called when an instance of this class is being sub-modeled by a new Model. |
onSubModelInserted(_arg: OnSubModelIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an instance of this class was sub-modeled by a new Model. |
onUpdate(arg: OnElementPropsArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called before an Element is updated. |
onUpdated(_arg: OnElementIdArg): void Protected Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | Called after an Element was updated. |
Name | Type | Description | |
categorySelectorId | string | The element Id of the CategorySelector for this ViewDefinition | |
className Accessor Static ReadOnly | string | The name of the BIS class associated with this class. | |
details Accessor Abstract ReadOnly | ViewDetails | Provides access to optional detail settings for this view. | |
displayStyleId | string | The element Id of the DisplayStyle for this ViewDefinition | |
requiredReferenceKeys Static Readonly | ReadonlyArray |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
classFullName Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | DefinitionElement | Get the full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "schema:class". |
classFullName Accessor Static Inherited ReadOnly | string | DefinitionElement | Get the full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "schema:class" |
className Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | DefinitionElement | The name of the BIS class associated with this class. |
code Inherited | Code | DefinitionElement | The Code for this element |
federationGuid Inherited | string | undefined | DefinitionElement | A FederationGuid assigned to this element by some other federated database |
id Inherited | string | DefinitionElement | The Id of this Entity. |
iModel Inherited | IModelDb | DefinitionElement | The IModelDb that contains this Entity |
isInstanceOfEntity Readonly Inherited | "true" | DefinitionElement | An immutable property used to discriminate between Entity and EntityProps, used to inform the TypeScript compiler that these two types |
isPrivate Inherited | boolean | DefinitionElement | If true, don't show this DefinitionElement in user interface lists. |
jsonProperties Readonly Inherited | [key: string]: any | DefinitionElement | Optional json properties of this element. |
model Readonly Inherited | string | DefinitionElement | The ModelId of the Model containing this element |
parent Inherited | RelatedElement | undefined | DefinitionElement | The parent element, if present, of this element. |
schema Static Inherited | DefinitionElement | The Schema that defines this class. | |
schemaName Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | DefinitionElement | The name of the BIS Schema that defines this class |
userLabel Inherited | string | undefined | DefinitionElement | A user-assigned label for this element. |
Defined in
- core/backend/src/ViewDefinition.ts Line 173
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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