Cartographic Class

A position on the earth defined by longitude, latitude, and height above the WGS84 ellipsoid.



Name Description
clone(result?: Cartographic): Cartographic Duplicates a Cartographic.  
equals(right: CartographicProps): boolean Return true if this Cartographic is the same as right  
equalsEpsilon(right: CartographicProps, epsilon: number): boolean Compares this Cartographic component-wise and returns true if they are within the provided epsilon,  
freeze(): Readonly<Cartographic> Freeze this Cartographic  
toEcef(result?: Point3d): Point3d Return an ECEF point from a Cartographic point  
toJSON(): CartographicProps Create a JSON representation of a Cartographic object.  
toString(): string Create a string representing this cartographic in the format '(longitude, latitude, height)'.  
createZero(): Cartographic Static Create a Cartographic object with longitude, latitude, and height of zero.  
fromAngles(args: { height?: number, latitude: Angle, longitude: Angle }, result?: Cartographic): Cartographic Static Create a new Cartographic from longitude and latitude in Angles.  
fromDegrees(args: { height?: number, latitude: number, longitude: number }, result?: Cartographic): Cartographic Static Create a new Cartographic from longitude and latitude specified in degrees.  
fromEcef(cartesian: Point3d, result?: Cartographic): undefined | Cartographic Static Creates a new Cartographic from an ECEF position.  
fromRadians(args: { height?: number, latitude: number, longitude: number }, result?: Cartographic): Cartographic Static Create a new Cartographic from longitude and latitude specified in radians.  
geocentricLatitudeFromGeodeticLatitude(geodeticLatitude: number): number Static return the geocentric latitude angle for the input geodetic latitude angle (both in radians).  
parametricLatitudeFromGeodeticLatitude(geodeticLatitude: number): number Static return the parametric latitude angle for the input geodetic latitude angle (both in radians).  
scalePointToGeodeticSurface(point: Point3d, result?: Point3d): undefined | Point3d Static Scale point to geodetic surface  


Name Type Description
height number The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.  
latitude number latitude, in radians.  
latitudeDegrees Accessor ReadOnly number latitude, in degrees  
longitude number longitude, in radians.  
longitudeDegrees Accessor ReadOnly number longitude, in degrees  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025