WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings Class

As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, controls how white-on-white reversal is applied to make white geometry more visible in the view. By default, pure white geometry is displayed as black instead if the backgroundColor is also pure white. These settings are only applied if the display style's whiteOnWhiteReversal flag is enabled.

@see whiteOnWhiteReversal to change these settings for a display style.


Name Description
equals(other: WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings): boolean Returns true if this is equivalent to other.  
toJSON(): undefined | WhiteOnWhiteReversalProps Convert to JSON representation.  
fromJSON(props?: WhiteOnWhiteReversalProps): WhiteOnWhiteReversalSettings Static Create from JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
ignoreBackgroundColor Readonly boolean If true, white-on-white reversal ignores the display style's background color; otherwise, white-on-white reversal applies only  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024