FeatureAppearance Class

Defines overrides for selected aspects of a Feature's symbology. Any member defined in the appearance overrides that aspect of symbology for all Features to which the appearance is applied.

The rgb and transparency overrides, if defined, apply to all geometry by default. However, the color and transparency of "linear" geometry can optionally be controlled independently from the rest of the geometry via lineRgb and lineTransparency. Linear geometry consists of any of the following:

  • Curves and line strings;
  • Points and point strings; and
  • The outlines of planar regions. The edges of 3d surfaces like spheres are not considered linear geometry.

@see FeatureOverrides to customize the appearance of multiple features.


Name Description
constructor(props: FeatureAppearanceProps): FeatureAppearance Protected    
clone(changedProps: FeatureAppearanceProps): FeatureAppearance Create a copy of this appearance, overriding any properties explicitly specified by changedProps.  
cloneProps(changedProps: FeatureAppearanceProps): FeatureAppearanceProps Convert this appearance to JSON, and override any properties explicitly specified by changedProps in the result.  
equals(other: FeatureAppearance): boolean    
extendAppearance(base: FeatureAppearance): FeatureAppearance Produce a FeatureAppearance from the supplied appearance in which any aspect not defined by the base appearance is overridden by this appearance.  
getLineRgb(): undefined | RgbColor Get the color that will be applied to linear geometry, or undefined if not overridden.  
getLineTransparency(): undefined | number Get the transparency that will be applied to linear geometry, or undefined if not overridden.  
toJSON(): FeatureAppearanceProps    
fromJSON(props?: FeatureAppearanceProps): FeatureAppearance Static    
fromRgb(color: ColorDef): FeatureAppearance Static Create a FeatureAppearance that overrides only the RGB color.  
fromRgba(color: ColorDef, viewDependentTransparency: booleanfalse): FeatureAppearance Static Create a FeatureAppearance that overrides the RGB and transparency.  
fromSubCategoryOverride(ovr: SubCategoryOverride): FeatureAppearance Static Create a FeatureAppearance with overrides corresponding to those defined by the supplied SubCategoryOverride.  
fromTransparency(transparencyValue: number, viewDependent: booleanfalse): FeatureAppearance Static Create a FeatureAppearance that overrides only the transparency  


Name Type Description
anyOverridden Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if any aspect of the appearance is overridden (i.e., if any member is not undefined).  
defaults Static Readonly FeatureAppearance An appearance that overrides nothing.  
emphasized Readonly "true" | undefined If true, the feature will be rendered using the Settings defined by Viewport.emphasisSettings to make it stand out.  
ignoresMaterial Readonly "true" | undefined If true, don't apply the RenderMaterial to the feature's surfaces.  
isFullyTransparent Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
linePixels Readonly LinePixels | undefined The pixel pattern applied to lines and edges.  
lineRgb Readonly "false" | RgbColor If defined, overrides the color of linear geometry independently of rgb.  
lineTransparency Readonly number | "false" If defined, overrides the transparency of linear geometry independently of transparency.  
matchesDefaults Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if this appearance does not override any aspects of symbology.  
nonLocatable Readonly "true" | undefined If true, the feature will not be drawn when using Viewport.readPixels, meaning Tools will not be able to interact with it.  
overridesLinePixels Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
overridesNonLocatable Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
overridesRgb Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
overridesSymbology Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
overridesTransparency Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
overridesWeight Accessor ReadOnly boolean    
rgb Readonly RgbColor | undefined Overrides the feature's color.  
transparency Readonly number | undefined The transparency in the range [0, 1] where 0 indicates fully opaque and 1 indicates fully transparent.  
viewDependentTransparency Readonly "true" | undefined If true, then transparency and/or lineTransparency will only be applied if transparency is enabled and the current RenderMode supports transparency.  
weight Readonly number | undefined The width of lines and edges in pixels as an integer in [1, 31].  

Defined in

Last Updated: 24 January, 2025