BackgroundMapSettings Class
As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, controls aspects of how the background map is displayed.
@see - backgroundMap to query or change these settings for a display style.
- MapImagerySettings to control the type of imagery applied to the background map.
Name | Description | |
clone(changedProps?: BackgroundMapProps): BackgroundMapSettings | Create a copy of this BackgroundMapSettings, optionally modifying some of its properties. | |
equals(other: BackgroundMapSettings): boolean | Returns true if these settings are equivalent to other . |
equalsJSON(json?: BackgroundMapProps): boolean | Returns true if these settings are equivalent to the supplied JSON settings. | |
equalsPersistentJSON(json?: PersistentBackgroundMapProps): boolean | Returns true if the persistent representation of these settings is equivalent to json . |
toJSON(): BackgroundMapProps | Convert these settings to their in-memory JSON representation. | |
toPersistentJSON(): PersistentBackgroundMapProps | Convert these settings to their persistent representation. | |
fromJSON(json?: BackgroundMapProps): BackgroundMapSettings Static | Construct from JSON, performing validation and applying default values for undefined fields. | |
fromPersistentJSON(json?: PersistentBackgroundMapProps): BackgroundMapSettings Static | Create settings from their persistent representation. |
Name | Type | Description | |
applyTerrain Readonly | boolean | If true, terrain heights will be applied to the map; otherwise the map will be rendered as a plane. | |
globeMode Readonly | GlobeMode | Globe display mode. | |
groundBias Readonly | number | Elevation in meters, relative to WGS84 Ellipsoid.. | |
locatable Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | If false, the map will be treated as non-locatable - i.e., tools will not interact with it. | |
planarClipMask Readonly | PlanarClipMaskSettings | Planar Mask - used to mask the background map to avoid overlapping with other geometry | |
terrainSettings Readonly | TerrainSettings | Settings associated with terrain display. | |
transparency Readonly | number | "false" | A transparency value from 0.0 (fully opaque) to 1.0 (fully transparent) to apply to map graphics when drawing, or false to indicate the transparency should not be overridden. | |
transparencyOverride Accessor ReadOnly | undefined | number | If transparency is overridden, the transparency to apply; otherwise, undefined. | |
useDepthBuffer Readonly | boolean | If set to true, the map tiles will be rendered with depth, allowing them to obscure other geometry. |
Defined in
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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