BackgroundMapSettings Class

As part of a DisplayStyleSettings, controls aspects of how the background map is displayed.

@see - backgroundMap to query or change these settings for a display style.


Name Description
clone(changedProps?: BackgroundMapProps): BackgroundMapSettings Create a copy of this BackgroundMapSettings, optionally modifying some of its properties.  
equals(other: BackgroundMapSettings): boolean Returns true if these settings are equivalent to other.  
equalsJSON(json?: BackgroundMapProps): boolean Returns true if these settings are equivalent to the supplied JSON settings.  
equalsPersistentJSON(json?: PersistentBackgroundMapProps): boolean Returns true if the persistent representation of these settings is equivalent to json.  
toJSON(): BackgroundMapProps Convert these settings to their in-memory JSON representation.  
toPersistentJSON(): PersistentBackgroundMapProps Convert these settings to their persistent representation.  
fromJSON(json?: BackgroundMapProps): BackgroundMapSettings Static Construct from JSON, performing validation and applying default values for undefined fields.  
fromPersistentJSON(json?: PersistentBackgroundMapProps): BackgroundMapSettings Static Create settings from their persistent representation.  


Name Type Description
applyTerrain Readonly boolean If true, terrain heights will be applied to the map; otherwise the map will be rendered as a plane.  
globeMode Readonly GlobeMode Globe display mode.  
groundBias Readonly number Elevation in meters, relative to WGS84 Ellipsoid..  
locatable Accessor ReadOnly boolean If false, the map will be treated as non-locatable - i.e., tools will not interact with it.  
planarClipMask Readonly PlanarClipMaskSettings Planar Mask - used to mask the background map to avoid overlapping with other geometry  
terrainSettings Readonly TerrainSettings Settings associated with terrain display.  
transparency Readonly number | "false" A transparency value from 0.0 (fully opaque) to 1.0 (fully transparent) to apply to map graphics when drawing, or false to indicate the transparency should not be overridden.  
transparencyOverride Accessor ReadOnly undefined | number If transparency is overridden, the transparency to apply; otherwise, undefined.  
useDepthBuffer Readonly boolean If set to true, the map tiles will be rendered with depth, allowing them to obscure other geometry.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025