PlanarClipMaskSettings Class

Describes how to mask the geometry of one GeometricModel for display. The mask is produced by projecting geometry from any number of other models - optionally filtered by SubCategory or by a set of specific GeometricElements - onto a plane. Regions of the masked model that intersect the mask are rendered partially or completely transparent. This is useful for, e.g., making subsurface geometry visible below the background map, or clipping out portions of a reality model that intersect a design model.

@note Currently reality models (including background maps and terrain) can be masked, but design models can only produce masks.

@see - planarClipMasks to define clip masks for a DisplayStyle.


Name Description
clone(changedProps?: PlanarClipMaskProps): PlanarClipMaskSettings Create a copy of this TerrainSettings, optionally modifying some of its properties.  
equals(other: PlanarClipMaskSettings): boolean    
toJSON(): PlanarClipMaskProps Create JSON object representing this PlanarClipMaskSettings  
create(args: ModelPlanarClipMaskArgs | ElementPlanarClipMaskArgs | SubCategoryPlanarClipMaskArgs | PriorityPlanarClipMaskArgs): PlanarClipMaskSettings Static Create a new PlanarClipMaskSettings.  
fromJSON(json?: PlanarClipMaskProps): PlanarClipMaskSettings Static Create a new PlanarClipMaskSettings object from its JSON representation.  


Name Type Description
compressedModelIds Accessor ReadOnly undefined | string The compressed representation of modelIds.  
defaults Static PlanarClipMaskSettings A default PlanarClipMask which masks nothing.  
invert Readonly boolean A value of true indicates that the mask should be inverted and only content within the mask should be displayed, in other words the area inside the mask is displayed rather than outside.  
isValid Accessor ReadOnly boolean Returns true if masking is enabled.  
mode Readonly PlanarClipMaskMode Specifies how the mask geometry is produced.  
modelIds Readonly OrderedId64Iterable | undefined For any mode other than Priority, the Ids of the GeometricModels containing the geometry used to produce the mask,  
priority Readonly number | undefined For Priority, the priority value.  
subCategoryOrElementIds Readonly OrderedId64Iterable | undefined For IncludeElements or ExcludedElements, the Ids of the GeometricElements to include or exclude from masking;  
transparency Readonly number | undefined A value between 0 and 1 indicating an override for mask transparency.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025