SheetViewState Class
A view of a SheetModel.
Name | Description | |
constructor(props: ViewDefinition2dProps, iModel: IModelConnection, categories: CategorySelectorState, displayStyle: DisplayStyle2dState, sheetProps: SheetProps, attachments: Id64Array): SheetViewState | ||
attachToViewport(args: Viewport): void | See attachToViewport. | |
changeViewedModel(modelId: string): Promise<void> | Change the model viewed by this view. | |
computeDisplayTransform(args: ComputeDisplayTransformArgs): undefined | Transform | ||
computeFitRange(): Range3d | Compute a range in CoordSystem.World coordinates that tightly encloses the contents of this view. | |
detachFromViewport(): void | See detachFromViewport. | |
discloseTileTrees(trees: DisclosedTileTreeSet): void | Overrides discloseTileTrees to include tile trees associated with ViewAttachments displayed on this sheet. | |
getExtents(): Vector3d | Get the extents of this view in CoordSystem.World coordinates. | |
getOrigin(): Point3d | Get the origin of this view in CoordSystem.World coordinates. | |
getViewedExtents(): Range3d | Get the extents of this view in CoordSystem.World coordinates. | |
isDrawingView(): this is DrawingViewState | Returns true if this ViewState is-a DrawingViewState | |
isSheetView(): this is SheetViewState | Returns true if this ViewState is-a SheetViewState | |
toProps(): ViewStateProps | Serialize this ViewState as a set of properties that can be used to recreate it via createFromProps. | |
createFromProps(viewStateData: ViewStateProps, iModel: IModelConnection): SheetViewState Static | Create a new ViewState object from a set of properties. |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
_updateMaxGlobalScopeFactor(): void Protected Inherited | ViewState2d | |
adjustAspectRatio(aspect: number): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Adjust the aspect ratio of this ViewState so it matches the supplied value. |
allow3dManipulations(): boolean Inherited | ViewState2d | Returns true if ViewTools are allowed to operate in three dimensions on this view. |
applyPose(val: ViewPose): SheetViewState Inherited | ViewState2d | See applyPose. |
calculateFocusCorners(): Point3d[] Inherited | ViewState2d | |
calculateFrustum(result?: Frustum): undefined | Frustum Inherited | ViewState2d | Calculate the world coordinate Frustum from the parameters of this ViewState. |
clone(iModel?: IModelConnection): this Inherited | ViewState2d | Make an independent copy of this EntityState |
equals(other: this): boolean Inherited | ViewState2d | Determine whether this ViewState exactly matches another. |
forEachModel(func: (model: GeometricModelState) => void): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Execute a function on each viewed model |
forEachTileTreeRef(func: (treeRef: TileTreeReference) => void): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Execute a function against each TileTreeReference associated with this view. |
getAspectRatio(): number Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the aspect ratio (width/height) of this view |
getAspectRatioSkew(): number Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the aspect ratio skew (x/y, usually 1.0) that is used to exaggerate the y axis of the view. |
getAuxiliaryCoordinateSystemId(): string Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the Id of the auxiliary coordinate system for this ViewState |
getCenter(result?: Point3d): Point3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the point at the geometric center of the view. |
getGlobeRotation(): undefined | Matrix3d Inherited | ViewState2d | If the view is not of the project as determined by getIsViewingProject then return |
getGridOrientation(): GridOrientationType Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the grid settings for this view |
getGridSettings(vp: Viewport, origin: Point3d, rMatrix: Matrix3d, orientation: GridOrientationType): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Populate the given origin and rotation with information from the grid settings from the grid orientation. |
getGridSpacing(): Readonly<WritableXAndY> Inherited | ViewState2d | |
getGridsPerRef(): number Inherited | ViewState2d | |
getIsViewingProject(): boolean Inherited | ViewState2d | Return true if the view is looking at the current iModel project extents or |
getModelAppearanceOverride(id: string): undefined | FeatureAppearance Inherited | ViewState2d | Query the symbology overrides applied to a model when rendered using this ViewState. |
getRotation(): Matrix3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the 3x3 ortho-normal Matrix3d for this view. |
getSubCategoryOverride(id: string): undefined | SubCategoryOverride Inherited | ViewState2d | Query the symbology overrides applied to geometry belonging to a specific subcategory when rendered using this ViewState. |
getTargetPoint(result?: Point3d): Point3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the target point of the view. |
getUpVector(point: Point3d): Vector3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Compute the vector in the "up" direction of a specific point in world space. |
getViewClip(): undefined | ClipVector Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the clipping volume for this view, if defined |
getViewedModel(): undefined | GeometricModel2dState Inherited | ViewState2d | Return the model for this 2d view. |
getXVector(result?: Vector3d): Vector3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the unit vector that points in the view X (left-to-right) direction. |
getYVector(result?: Vector3d): Vector3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the unit vector that points in the view Y (bottom-to-top) direction. |
getZVector(result?: Vector3d): Vector3d Inherited | ViewState2d | Get the unit vector that points in the view Z (front-to-back) direction. |
hasSameCoordinates(other: ViewState): boolean Inherited | ViewState2d | Determine whether this ViewState has the same coordinate system as another one. |
is2d(): this is ViewState2d Inherited | ViewState2d | Returns true if this ViewState is-a ViewState2d |
is3d(): this is ViewState3d Inherited | ViewState2d | See is3d. |
load(): Promise<void> Inherited | ViewState2d | Asynchronously load any required data for this ViewState from the backend. |
lookAtViewAlignedVolume(volume: Range3d, aspect?: number, options?: MarginOptions & OnViewExtentsError): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Look at a volume of space defined by a range in view local coordinates, keeping its current rotation. |
lookAtVolume(volume: Readonly<WritableLowAndHighXYZ> | Readonly<WritableLowAndHighXY>, aspect?: number, options?: MarginOptions & OnViewExtentsError): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Change the volume that this view displays, keeping its current rotation. |
resetExtentLimits(): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Resets the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents of this ViewState to their default values. |
savePose(): ViewPose2d Inherited | ViewState2d | Capture a copy of the viewed area. |
setAspectRatioSkew(val: number): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set the aspect ratio skew (x/y) for this view. |
setAuxiliaryCoordinateSystem(acs?: AuxCoordSystemState): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set or clear the AuxiliaryCoordinateSystem for this view. |
setCategorySelector(categories: CategorySelectorState): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set the CategorySelector for this view. |
setCenter(center: Point3d): void Inherited | ViewState2d | set the center of this view to a new position. |
setDisplayStyle(style: DisplayStyleState): void Inherited | ViewState2d | |
setExtents(delta: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set the extents of this view in CoordSystem.World coordinates. |
setGridSettings(orientation: GridOrientationType, spacing: Point2d, gridsPerRef: number): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set the grid settings for this view |
setOrigin(origin: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set the origin of this view in CoordSystem.World coordinates. |
setRotation(rot: Matrix3d): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Change the rotation of the view. |
setRotationAboutPoint(rotation: Matrix3d, point?: Point3d): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set the rotation of this ViewState to the supplied rotation, by rotating it about a point. |
setStandardGlobalRotation(id: StandardViewId): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Orient this view to one of the StandardView rotations, if the the view is not viewing the project then the |
setStandardRotation(id: StandardViewId): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Orient this view to one of the StandardView rotations. |
setupFromFrustum(inFrustum: Frustum, opts?: OnViewExtentsError): ViewStatus Inherited | ViewState2d | Initialize the origin, extents, and rotation from an existing Frustum |
setViewClip(clip?: ClipVector): void Inherited | ViewState2d | Set or clear the clipping volume for this view. |
toJSON(): ViewDefinition2dProps Inherited | ViewState2d | Convert to JSON representation. |
viewsCategory(id: string): boolean Inherited | ViewState2d | Determine whether the specified Category is displayed in this view |
viewsModel(modelId: string): boolean Inherited | ViewState2d | Returns true if this view displays the contents of a Model specified by Id. |
Name | Type | Description | |
areAllTileTreesLoaded Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Returns true if all TileTrees required by this view have been loaded. | |
attachmentIds Accessor ReadOnly | Id64Array | ||
className Accessor Static ReadOnly | string | The name of the BIS class associated with this class. | |
defaultExtentLimits Accessor ReadOnly | { max: number, min: number } | Returns the default extent limits for this ViewState. | |
sheetSize Readonly | Point2d | The width and height of the sheet in world coordinates. |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
_baseModelId Protected Inherited | string | ViewState2d | |
analysisStyle Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | undefined | AnalysisStyle | ViewState2d | See DisplayStyleSettings.analysisStyle. |
angle Readonly Inherited | Angle | ViewState2d | |
auxiliaryCoordinateSystem Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | AuxCoordSystemState | ViewState2d | get the auxiliary coordinate system state object for this ViewState. |
backgroundColor Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | ColorDef | ViewState2d | Get this view's background color. |
baseModelId Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | ViewState2d | |
categorySelector Accessor Inherited | CategorySelectorState | ViewState2d | Selects the categories that are display by this ViewState. |
classFullName Accessor Static Inherited ReadOnly | string | ViewState2d | Get full BIS class name of this Entity in the form "SchemaName:ClassName". |
classFullName Readonly Inherited | string | ViewState2d | The full class name in the form "schema:class". |
className Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | ViewState2d | The name of the BIS class associated with this class. |
code Readonly Inherited | Code | ViewState2d | The Code for this element |
delta Readonly Inherited | Point2d | ViewState2d | |
description Inherited | string | undefined | ViewState2d | |
details Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | ViewDetails | ViewState2d | Provides access to optional detail settings for this view. |
displayStyle Accessor Inherited | DisplayStyleState | ViewState2d | The style that controls how the contents of the view are displayed. |
extentLimits Accessor Inherited | ExtentLimits | ViewState2d | Get or set the largest and smallest values allowed for the extents for this ViewState The default limits vary based on the type of view: - Spatial and drawing view extents cannot exceed the diameter of the earth. - Sheet view extents cannot exceed ten times the paper size of the sheet. Explicitly setting the extent limits overrides the default limits. |
federationGuid Readonly Inherited | string | undefined | ViewState2d | A FederationGuid assigned to this element by some other federated database |
globalScopeFactor Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | number | ViewState2d | A value that represents the global scope of the view -- a value greater than one indicates that the scope of this view is global (viewing most of Earth). |
id Readonly Inherited | string | ViewState2d | The Id of this Entity. |
iModel Readonly Inherited | IModelConnection | ViewState2d | The iModel from which this Entity was loaded |
isAttachedToViewport Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | ViewState2d | Returns whether this view is currently being displayed by a Viewport. |
isPrivate Inherited | boolean | undefined | ViewState2d | |
jsonProperties Readonly Inherited | [key: string]: any | ViewState2d | Optional json properties of this Entity. |
model Readonly Inherited | string | ViewState2d | The ModelId of the Model containing this element |
modelDisplayTransformProvider Accessor Inherited | undefined | ModelDisplayTransformProvider | ViewState2d | An object that can provide per-model transforms to be applied at display time. |
name Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | ViewState2d | Get the name of the ViewDefinition from which this ViewState originated. |
onDisplayStyleChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(newStyle: DisplayStyleState) => void> | ViewState2d | An event raised just before assignment to the displayStyle property, only if the view is attached to a Viewport. |
onModelDisplayTransformProviderChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(newProvider: ModelDisplayTransformProvider) => void> | ViewState2d | Event raised just before assignment to the modelDisplayTransformProvider property, only if the view is attached to a Viewport. |
onViewedCategoriesChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<() => void> | ViewState2d | An event raised when the set of categories viewed by this view changes, only if the view is attached to a Viewport. |
origin Readonly Inherited | Point2d | ViewState2d | |
parent Readonly Inherited | RelatedElement | undefined | ViewState2d | The parent Element of this, or undefined if no parent. |
scheduleScript Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | undefined | RenderSchedule.Script | ViewState2d | The RenderSchedule.Script that animates the contents of the view, if any. |
schemaName Accessor Static Inherited ReadOnly | string | ViewState2d | The name of the BIS schema for this class. |
userLabel Readonly Inherited | string | undefined | ViewState2d | A user-assigned label for this element. |
viewFlags Accessor Inherited | ViewFlags | ViewState2d | Flags controlling various aspects of this view's DisplayStyleState. |
Defined in
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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