SnapshotConnection Class
A connection to a SnapshotDb hosted on a backend.
Name | Description | |
close(): Promise<void> | Close this SnapshotConnection. | |
isSnapshotConnection(): this is SnapshotConnection | Type guard for instanceof SnapshotConnection | |
openFile(filePath: string): Promise<SnapshotConnection> Static | Open an IModelConnection to a read-only snapshot iModel from a file name. | |
openRemote(fileKey: string): Promise<SnapshotConnection> Static | Open an IModelConnection to a remote read-only snapshot iModel from a key that will be resolved by the backend. | Deprecated |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
cartographicFromSpatial(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>[]): Promise<Cartographic[]> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert points in this iModel's spatial coordinate system to Cartographic coordinates using either a GeoConverter or the iModel's EcefLocation. |
cartographicToSpatial(cartographic: Cartographic, result?: Point3d): Promise<Point3d> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a Cartographic to a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates using a GeoConverter or[IModel.ecefLocation. |
cartographicToSpatialFromEcef(cartographic: Cartographic, result?: Point3d): Point3d Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a Cartographic to a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates using its IModel.ecefLocation. |
cartographicToSpatialFromGcs(cartographic: Cartographic, result?: Point3d): Promise<Point3d> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a Cartographic to a point in this iModel's spatial coordinate system using a GeoConverter. |
createQueryReader(ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder, config?: QueryOptions): ECSqlReader Inherited | IModelConnection | Allow to execute query and read results along with meta data. |
ecefToSpatial(ecef: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Point3d): Point3d Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a point in ECEF coordinates to a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates using its ecefLocation. |
expandDisplayedExtents(range: Range3d): void Inherited | IModelConnection | Expand this iModel's displayedExtents to include the specified range. |
findClassFor<T extends >(className: string, defaultClass: T): Promise<undefined | T> Inherited | IModelConnection | Find the first registered base class of the given EntityState className. |
generateElementMeshes(requestProps: ElementMeshRequestProps): Promise<Uint8Array> Inherited | IModelConnection | Produce encoded Polyfaces from the geometry stream of a GeometricElement. |
getEcefTransform(): Transform Inherited | IModelConnection | Get the Transform from this iModel's Spatial coordinates to ECEF coordinates using its IModel.ecefLocation. |
getGeometryContainment(requestProps: GeometryContainmentRequestProps): Promise<GeometryContainmentResponseProps> Inherited | IModelConnection | Request element clip containment status from the backend. |
getGeometrySummary(requestProps: GeometrySummaryRequestProps): Promise<string> Inherited | IModelConnection | Obtain a summary of the geometry belonging to one or more GeometricElements suitable for debugging and diagnostics. |
getMassProperties(requestProps: MassPropertiesRequestProps): Promise<MassPropertiesResponseProps> Inherited | IModelConnection | Request element mass properties from the backend. |
getMassPropertiesPerCandidate(requestProps: MassPropertiesPerCandidateRequestProps): Promise<MassPropertiesPerCandidateResponseProps[]> Inherited | IModelConnection | Request mass properties for multiple elements from the backend. |
getRpcProps(): IModelRpcProps Inherited | IModelConnection | Return a token for RPC operations. |
IModelConnection | Request a tooltip from the backend. | |
isBlankConnection(): this is BlankConnection Inherited | IModelConnection | Type guard for instanceof BlankConnection |
isBriefcaseConnection(): this is BriefcaseConnection Inherited | IModelConnection | Type guard for instanceof BriefcaseConnection |
isCheckpointConnection(): this is CheckpointConnection Inherited | IModelConnection | Type guard for instanceof CheckpointConnection |
loadFontMap(): Promise<FontMap> Inherited | IModelConnection | Load the FontMap for this IModelConnection. |
query(ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder, options?: QueryOptions): AsyncIterableIterator<any, any, any> Inherited | IModelConnection | Execute a query and stream its results |
queryEntityIds(params: EntityQueryParams): Promise<Id64Set> Inherited | IModelConnection | Query for a set of element ids that satisfy the supplied query params |
queryRowCount(ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder): Promise<number> Inherited | IModelConnection | Compute number of rows that would be returned by the ECSQL. |
queryTextureData(textureLoadProps: TextureLoadProps): Promise<undefined | TextureData> Inherited | IModelConnection | Request a named texture image from the backend. |
restartQuery(token: string, ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder, options?: QueryOptions): AsyncIterableIterator<any, any, any> Inherited | IModelConnection | Cancel any previous query with same token and run execute the current specified query. |
setEcefLocation(ecef: EcefLocationProps): void Inherited | IModelConnection | Set the EcefLocation for this iModel. |
setGeographicCoordinateSystem(geoCRS: GeographicCRSProps): void Inherited | IModelConnection | Sets the geographic coordinate reference system from GeographicCRSProps. |
spatialFromCartographic(cartographic: Cartographic[]): Promise<Point3d[]> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert Cartographic coordinates into points in this iModel's spatial coordinate system using a GeoConverter or the iModel's EcefLocation. |
spatialToCartographic(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Cartographic): Promise<Cartographic> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates to a Cartographic using the Geographic location services for this IModelConnection or IModel.ecefLocation. |
spatialToCartographicFromEcef(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Cartographic): Cartographic Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates to a Cartographic using its IModel.ecefLocation. |
spatialToCartographicFromGcs(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Cartographic): Promise<Cartographic> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates to a Cartographic using the Geographic location services for this IModelConnection. |
spatialToEcef(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Point3d): Point3d Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert a point in this iModel's Spatial coordinates to an ECEF point using its IModel.ecefLocation. |
toJSON(): IModelConnectionProps Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert this iModel to a JSON representation. |
toSpatialFromGcs(geoCoords: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>[], datumOrGCRS?: string | GeographicCRSProps): Promise<Point3d[]> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert geographic coordinates into points in this iModel's spatial coordinate system using a GeoConverter or the iModel's EcefLocation. |
wgs84CartographicFromSpatial(spatial: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>[]): Promise<Cartographic[]> Inherited | IModelConnection | Convert points in this iModel's spatial coordinate system to Cartographic coordinates using either a GeoConverter or the iModel's EcefLocation. |
getDefaultSubCategoryId(categoryId: string): string Static Inherited | IModelConnection | Get the default subCategoryId for the supplied categoryId |
Name | Type | Description | |
iModelId Accessor ReadOnly | string | The Guid that identifies this iModel. | |
isClosed Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Returns true if close has already been called. |
isRemote Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Returns true if this is a connection to a remote snapshot iModel resolved by the backend. |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
_openMode Protected Inherited | OpenMode | IModelConnection | |
categories Readonly Inherited | IModelConnection.Categories | IModelConnection | The set of Category's in this IModelConnection. |
changeset Accessor Inherited | ChangesetIdWithIndex | IModelConnection | |
codeSpecs Readonly Inherited | IModelConnection.CodeSpecs | IModelConnection | The CodeSpecs in this IModelConnection. |
connectionTimeout Static Inherited | number | IModelConnection | The maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait before timing out the request to open a connection to a new iModel |
dictionaryId Static Readonly Inherited | string | IModelConnection | The Id of the dictionary model. |
displayedExtents Readonly Inherited | Range3d | IModelConnection | The displayed extents of this iModel, initialized to IModel.projectExtents. |
ecefLocation Accessor Inherited | undefined | EcefLocation | IModelConnection | The EcefLocation of the iModel in Earth Centered Earth Fixed coordinates. If the iModel property geographicCoordinateSystem is not defined then the ecefLocation provides a geolocation by defining a 3D coordinate system relative to the Earth model WGS84. Refer to additional documentation for details. If the geographicCoordinateSystem property is defined then the ecefLocation must be used with care. When the geographicCoordinateSystem is defined it indicates the iModel cartesian space is the result of a cartographic projection. This implies a flattening of the Earth surface process that results in scale, angular or area distortion. The ecefLocation is then an approximation calculated at the center of the project extent. If the project is more than 2 kilometer in size, the ecefLocation may represent a poor approximation of the effective cartographic projection used and a linear transformation should then be calculated at the exact origin of the data it must position. |
elements Readonly Inherited | IModelConnection.Elements | IModelConnection | The ElementStates in this IModelConnection. |
fontMap Inherited | FontMap | undefined | IModelConnection | The font map for this IModelConnection. |
geographicCoordinateSystem Accessor Inherited | undefined | GeographicCRS | IModelConnection | The geographic coordinate reference system of the iModel. |
geoServices Readonly Inherited | GeoServices | IModelConnection | The Geographic location services available for this iModelConnection. |
globalOrigin Accessor Inherited | Point3d | IModelConnection | An offset to be applied to all spatial coordinates. |
hilited Readonly Inherited | HiliteSet | IModelConnection | The set of currently hilited elements for this IModelConnection. |
isBlank Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | IModelConnection | True if this is a Blank Connection. |
isBriefcase Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | IModelConnection | Returns true if this is a briefcase copy of an iModel that is synchronized with iModelHub. |
isGeoLocated Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | IModelConnection | True if this iModel has an EcefLocation. |
isOpen Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | IModelConnection | Check if the IModelConnection is open (i.e. it has a connection to a backend server). Returns false for BlankConnection instances and after IModelConnection.close has been called. |
isReadonly Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | IModelConnection | Check the openMode of this IModelConnection to see if it was opened read-only. |
isSnapshot Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | IModelConnection | Returns true if this is a snapshot iModel. |
iTwinId Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | undefined | string | IModelConnection | The Guid that identifies the iTwin that owns this iModel. |
key Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | IModelConnection | Get the key that was used to open this iModel. This is the value used for Rpc and Ipc communications. |
models Readonly Inherited | IModelConnection.Models | IModelConnection | The ModelStates in this IModelConnection. |
name Accessor Inherited | string | IModelConnection | Name of the iModel |
onChangesetChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousChangeset: ChangesetIdWithIndex) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after changeset changes. |
onClose Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(_imodel: IModelConnection) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised immediately before this IModelConnection is closed. |
onClose Static Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(_imodel: IModelConnection) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised immediately before any IModelConnection is closed. |
onEcefLocationChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousLocation: EcefLocation) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after ecefLocation changes. |
onGeographicCoordinateSystemChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousGCS: GeographicCRS) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after geographicCoordinateSystem changes. |
onGlobalOriginChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousOrigin: Point3d) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after globalOrigin changes. |
onNameChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousName: string) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after name changes. |
onOpen Static Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(_imodel: IModelConnection) => void> | IModelConnection | Event called immediately after any IModelConnection is opened. |
onProjectExtentsChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousExtents: Range3d) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after projectExtents changes. |
onRootSubjectChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(previousSubject: RootSubjectProps) => void> | IModelConnection | Event raised after rootSubject changes. |
openMode Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | OpenMode | IModelConnection | The OpenMode used for this IModel. |
projectExtents Accessor Inherited | Range3d | IModelConnection | The volume, in spatial coordinates, inside which the entire project is contained. |
repositoryModelId Static Readonly Inherited | string | IModelConnection | The Id of the repository model. |
rootSubject Accessor Inherited | RootSubjectProps | IModelConnection | The name and description of the root subject of this iModel |
rootSubjectId Static Readonly Inherited | string | IModelConnection | The Id of the root subject element. |
routingContext Inherited | IModelRoutingContext | IModelConnection | The RPC routing for this connection. |
selectionSet Readonly Inherited | SelectionSet | IModelConnection | The set of currently selected elements for this IModelConnection. |
tiles Readonly Inherited | Tiles | IModelConnection | The set of Tiles for this IModelConnection. |
transientIds Readonly Inherited | TransientIdSequence | IModelConnection | Generator for unique Ids of transient graphics for this IModelConnection. |
views Readonly Inherited | IModelConnection.Views | IModelConnection | The ViewStates in this IModelConnection. |
Defined in
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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