EcefLocation Class

The position and orientation of an iModel on the earth in ECEF (Earth Centered Earth Fixed) coordinates

@note This is an immutable type - all of its properties are frozen.

@see GeoLocation of iModels



Name Description
constructor(props: EcefLocationProps): EcefLocation Construct a new EcefLocation.  
getTransform(): Transform Get the transform from iModel Spatial coordinates to ECEF from this EcefLocation  
isAlmostEqual(other: EcefLocation): boolean Return true if this location is equivalent to another location within a small tolerance.  
toJSON(): EcefLocationProps    
createFromCartographicOrigin(origin: Cartographic, point?: Point3d, angle?: Angle): EcefLocation Static Construct ECEF Location from cartographic origin with optional known point and angle.  
createFromTransform(transform: Transform): EcefLocation Static Construct ECEF Location from transform with optional position on the earth used to establish the ECEF origin and orientation.  


Name Type Description
cartographicOrigin Readonly Cartographic | undefined Optional position on the earth used to establish the ECEF origin and orientation.  
earthCenter Accessor ReadOnly Point3d Get the location center of the earth in the iModel coordinate system.  
orientation Readonly YawPitchRollAngles The orientation of the ECEF transform  
origin Readonly Point3d The origin of the ECEF transform.  
xVector Readonly Vector3d | undefined Optional X column vector used with yVector to calculate potentially non-rigid transform if a projection is present.  
yVector Readonly Vector3d | undefined Optional Y column vector used with xVector to calculate potentially non-rigid transform if a projection is present.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 24 January, 2025