StandaloneDb Class
Standalone iModels are read/write files that are not associated with an iTwin or managed by iModelHub. They are relevant only for testing, or for small-scale single-user scenarios. Standalone iModels are designed such that the API for Standalone iModels and Briefcase iModels (those synchronized with iModelHub) are as similar and consistent as possible. This leads to a straightforward process where the a user starts with StandaloneDb and can optionally choose to upgrade to an iTwin.
Some additional details. Standalone iModels:
- always have Guid.empty for their iTwinId (they are "unassociated" files)
- always have BriefcaseId === BriefcaseIdValue.Unassigned
- are connected to the frontend via BriefcaseConnection.openStandalone
- may be opened without supplying any user credentials
- may be opened read/write
- cannot apply a changeset to nor generate a changesets (since there is no timeline from which to get/push changesets)
Name | Description | |
constructor(args: { briefcaseId: number, key: string, nativeDb: IModelJsNative.DgnDb, openMode: OpenMode }): StandaloneDb Protected | ||
createClassViews(): void | Creates or updates views in the iModel to permit visualizing the EC content as ECClasses and ECProperties rather than raw database tables and columns. | |
createEmpty(filePath: string, args: CreateEmptyStandaloneIModelProps): StandaloneDb Static | Create an empty standalone iModel. | |
findByKey(key: string): StandaloneDb Static | Find an open IModelDb by its key. | |
openFile(filePath: string, openMode: OpenModeOpenMode.ReadWrite, options?: SnapshotDbOpenArgs): StandaloneDb Static | Open a standalone iModel file. | |
tryFindByKey(key: string): undefined | StandaloneDb Static | Attempt to find an open IModelDb by key. | |
upgradeStandaloneSchemas(filePath: string): void Static | Upgrades the schemas in the standalone iModel file. |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
abandonChanges(): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Abandon pending changes in this iModel. |
acquireSchemaLock(): Promise<void> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Acquire the exclusive schema lock on this iModel. |
addNewFont(name: string, type?: FontType): number Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Add a new font name/type to the FontMap for this iModel and return its FontId. |
clearCaches(): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Clear all in-memory caches held in this IModelDb. |
close(): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Close this IModel, if it is currently open, and save changes if it was opened in ReadWrite mode. |
computeProjectExtents(options?: ComputeProjectExtentsOptions): ComputedProjectExtents Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Compute an appropriate project extents for this iModel based on the ranges of all spatial elements. |
constructEntity<T extends Entity, P extends EntityProps>(props: P): T Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Construct an entity (Element or Model) from an iModel. |
containsClass(classFullName: string): boolean Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Query if this iModel contains the definition of the specified class. |
createQueryReader(ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder, config?: QueryOptions): ECSqlReader Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Allow to execute query and read results along with meta data. |
deleteFileProperty(prop: FilePropertyProps): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | delete a "file property" from this iModel |
deleteSettingDictionary(name: string): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Delete a SettingDictionary, previously added with saveSettingDictionary, from this iModel. |
elementGeometryCacheOperation(requestProps: ElementGeometryCacheOperationRequestProps): BentleyStatus Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Request operation using the backend geometry cache populated by first calling elementGeometryRequest. |
elementGeometryRequest(requestProps: ElementGeometryRequest): IModelStatus Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Request geometry stream information from an element in binary format instead of json. |
exportGraphics(exportProps: ExportGraphicsOptions): DbResult Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Export meshes suitable for graphics APIs from arbitrary geometry in elements in this IModelDb. |
exportPartGraphics(exportProps: ExportPartGraphicsOptions): DbResult Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Exports meshes suitable for graphics APIs from a specified GeometryPart |
forEachMetaData(classFullName: string, wantSuper: boolean, func: PropertyCallback, includeCustom: booleantrue): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Invoke a callback on each property of the specified class, optionally including superclass properties. |
generateElementGraphics(request: ElementGraphicsRequestProps): Promise<undefined | Uint8Array> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Generate graphics for an element or geometry stream. |
getBriefcaseId(): number Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get the briefcase Id of this iModel |
getGeoCoordinatesFromIModelCoordinates(props: GeoCoordinatesRequestProps): Promise<GeoCoordinatesResponseProps> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get the GeoCoordinate (longitude, latitude, elevation) corresponding to each IModel Coordinate point in the input |
getGeometryContainment(props: GeometryContainmentRequestProps): Promise<GeometryContainmentResponseProps> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get the clip containment status for the supplied elements. |
getIModelCoordinatesFromGeoCoordinates(props: IModelCoordinatesRequestProps): Promise<IModelCoordinatesResponseProps> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get the IModel coordinate corresponding to each GeoCoordinate point in the input |
getJsClass<T extends >(classFullName: string): T Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get the JavaScript class that handles a given entity class. |
getMassProperties(props: MassPropertiesRequestProps): Promise<MassPropertiesResponseProps> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get the mass properties for the supplied elements. |
getMetaData(classFullName: string): EntityMetaData Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Get metadata for a class. |
getSchemaProps(name: string): ECSchemaProps Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Returns the full schema for the input name. |
importSchemas(schemaFileNames: string[], options?: SchemaImportOptions): Promise<void> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Import an ECSchema. |
isBriefcaseDb(): this is BriefcaseDb Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Type guard for instanceof BriefcaseDb |
isSnapshotDb(): this is SnapshotDb Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Type guard for instanceof SnapshotDb |
isStandaloneDb(): this is StandaloneDb Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Type guard for instanceof StandaloneDb. |
makeLockControl(): void Protected Inherited | BriefcaseDb | |
performCheckpoint(): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Save all changes and perform a checkpoint on this IModelDb. |
prepareStatement(sql: string, logErrors: booleantrue): ECSqlStatement Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Prepare an ECSQL statement. |
pullChanges(arg?: PullChangesArgs): Promise<void> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Pull and apply changesets from iModelHub |
pushChanges(arg: PushChangesArgs): Promise<void> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Push changes to iModelHub. |
query(ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder, options?: QueryOptions): AsyncIterableIterator<any, any, any> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Execute a query and stream its results |
queryEntityIds(params: EntityQueryParams): Id64Set Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Query for a set of entity ids, given an EntityQueryParams |
queryFilePropertyBlob(prop: FilePropertyProps): undefined | Uint8Array Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Query a "file property" from this iModel, as a blob. |
queryFilePropertyString(prop: FilePropertyProps): undefined | string Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Query a "file property" from this iModel, as a string. |
queryNextAvailableFileProperty(prop: FilePropertyProps): number Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Query for the next available major id for a "file property" from this iModel. |
queryRowCount(ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder): Promise<number> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Compute number of rows that would be returned by the ECSQL. |
querySchemaVersion(schemaName: string): undefined | string Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Query for a schema of the specified name in this iModel. |
restartQuery(token: string, ecsql: string, params?: QueryBinder, options?: QueryOptions): AsyncIterableIterator<any, any, any> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Cancel any previous query with same token and run execute the current specified query. |
revertAndPushChanges(arg: RevertChangesArgs): Promise<void> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Revert timeline changes and then push resulting changeset |
saveChanges(description?: string): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Commit pending changes to this iModel. |
saveFileProperty(prop: FilePropertyProps, strValue: string, blobVal?: Uint8Array): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Save a "file property" to this iModel |
saveSettingDictionary(name: string, dict: SettingsContainer): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Save a SettingDictionary in this iModel that will be loaded into settings every time this iModel is opened in future sessions. |
tryGetMetaData(classFullName: string): undefined | EntityMetaData Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Identical to getMetaData, except it returns undefined instead of throwing an error if the metadata cannot be found nor loaded. |
tryPrepareStatement(sql: string): undefined | ECSqlStatement Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Prepare an ECSQL statement. |
updateEcefLocation(ecef: EcefLocation): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Update the EcefLocation of this iModel. |
updateElementGeometryCache(requestProps: ElementGeometryCacheRequestProps): Promise<ElementGeometryCacheResponseProps> Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Request the creation of a backend geometry cache for the specified geometric element. |
updateIModelProps(): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Update the IModelProps of this iModel in the database. |
updateProjectExtents(newExtents: Range3d): void Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Update the project extents for this iModel. |
withPreparedSqliteStatement<T>(sql: string, callback: (stmt: SqliteStatement) => T, logErrors: booleantrue): T Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Use a prepared SQL statement, potentially from the statement cache. |
withPreparedStatement<T>(ecsql: string, callback: (stmt: ECSqlStatement) => T, logErrors: booleantrue): T Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Use a prepared ECSQL statement, potentially from the statement cache. |
withSqliteStatement<T>(sql: string, callback: (stmt: SqliteStatement) => T, logErrors: booleantrue): T Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Prepared and execute a callback on a SQL statement. |
withStatement<T>(ecsql: string, callback: (stmt: ECSqlStatement) => T, logErrors: booleantrue): T Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Prepared and execute a callback on an ECSQL statement. |
findByFilename(fileName: string): undefined | IModelDb Static Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Find an opened instance of any subclass of IModelDb, by filename |
forEachMetaData(iModel: IModelDb, classFullName: string, wantSuper: boolean, func: PropertyCallback, includeCustom: booleantrue): void Static Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Invoke a callback on each property of the specified class, optionally including superclass properties. |
open(args: OpenBriefcaseArgs): Promise<BriefcaseDb> Static Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Open a briefcase file and return a new BriefcaseDb to interact with it. |
upgradeSchemas(briefcase: OpenBriefcaseArgs): Promise<void> Static Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Upgrades the schemas in the iModel based on the current version of the software. |
validateSchemas(filePath: string, forReadWrite: boolean): SchemaState Static Inherited | BriefcaseDb | Determines if the schemas in the Db must or can be upgraded by comparing them with those included in the |
Name | Type | Description | |
useLockServer Accessor Protected ReadOnly | boolean | Determine whether this BriefcaseDb should use a lock server. |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
_fontMap Protected Inherited | FontMap | undefined | BriefcaseDb | |
briefcaseId Readonly Inherited | number | BriefcaseDb | |
channels Readonly Inherited | ChannelControl | BriefcaseDb | |
codeSpecs Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | CodeSpecs | BriefcaseDb | Get the CodeSpecs in this IModel. |
codeValueBehavior Accessor Inherited | "exact" | "trim-unicode-whitespace" | BriefcaseDb | Controls how Codes are copied from this iModel into another iModel, to work around problems with iModels created by older connectors. The imodel-transformer sets this appropriately on your behalf - you should never need to set or interrogate this property yourself. |
defaultLimit Static Readonly Inherited | "1000" | BriefcaseDb | |
elements Readonly Inherited | IModelDb.Elements | BriefcaseDb | |
fontMap Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | FontMap | BriefcaseDb | |
holdsSchemaLock Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | BriefcaseDb | determine whether the schema lock is currently held for this iModel. |
iModelId Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | BriefcaseDb | The Guid that identifies this iModel. |
isBriefcase Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | BriefcaseDb | override superclass method |
isReadonly Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | BriefcaseDb | Check if this iModel has been opened read-only or not. |
isSnapshot Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | boolean | BriefcaseDb | Returns true if this is a SnapshotDb |
iTwinId Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | BriefcaseDb | The Guid that identifies the context that owns this iModel. GuidString | undefined for the superclass, but required for BriefcaseDb |
locks Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | LockControl | BriefcaseDb | The LockControl that orchestrates concurrent editing of this iModel. |
maxLimit Static Readonly Inherited | "10000" | BriefcaseDb | |
models Readonly Inherited | IModelDb.Models | BriefcaseDb | |
onBeforeClose Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<() => void> | BriefcaseDb | Event called when the iModel is about to be closed. |
onChangesetApplied Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<() => void> | BriefcaseDb | Event called after a changeset is applied to this IModelDb. |
onClosed Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<() => void> | BriefcaseDb | Event raised after a BriefcaseDb has been closed. |
onOpen Static Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(_args: OpenBriefcaseArgs) => void> | BriefcaseDb | Event raised just before a BriefcaseDb is opened. |
onOpened Static Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(_iModelDb: BriefcaseDb, _args: OpenBriefcaseArgs) => void> | BriefcaseDb | Event raised just after a BriefcaseDb is opened. |
pathName Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | string | BriefcaseDb | Get the full path fileName of this iModelDb |
relationships Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | Relationships | BriefcaseDb | Get the linkTableRelationships for this IModel |
tiles Readonly Inherited | IModelDb.Tiles | BriefcaseDb | |
txns Readonly Inherited | TxnManager | BriefcaseDb | Manages local changes to this briefcase. |
views Readonly Inherited | IModelDb.Views | BriefcaseDb | |
workspace Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | Workspace | BriefcaseDb | Get the Workspace for this iModel. |
Defined in
- core/backend/src/IModelDb.ts Line 3365
Last Updated: 24 January, 2025
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