SectionDrawingLocationState Class

Represents a SectionDrawingLocation, including data from related elements like SectionDrawing used in a hyper-modeling context.

@see SectionMarker for a widget that allows the user to interact with a section drawing location.


Name Description
tryLoadDrawingView(): Promise<undefined | DrawingViewState> Return a promise that resolves to the DrawingViewState corresponding to this.drawingViewId, or undefined if an exception occurs.  
tryLoadSheetView(): Promise<undefined | SheetViewState> Return a promise that resolves to the SheetViewState corresponding to this.viewAttachment.viewId; or undefined if there is no corresponding ViewAttachment or an exception occurs.  
tryLoadSpatialView(): Promise<undefined | SpatialViewState> Return a promise that resolves to the SpatialViewState corresponding to this.spatialViewId, or undefined if an exception occurs.  
queryAll(iModel: IModelConnection): Promise<SectionDrawingLocationState[]> Static Query the specified iModel for SectionDrawingLocations and return a list of corresponding SectionDrawingLocationStates.  


Name Type Description
category Readonly string The Id of the SpatialCategory to which this section drawing location belongs.  
clip Readonly ClipVector The section clip from the SpatialViewDefinition from which the section drawing was generated.  
drawingToSpatialTransform Readonly Transform The transform from the GeometricModel containing the section graphics to the spatial coordinate space.  
drawingViewId Readonly string The Id of the ViewDefinition that can display the section graphics.  
id Readonly string The element Id of the section drawing location.  
iModel Readonly IModelConnection The iModel in which this section drawing location resides.  
model Readonly string The Id of the GeometricModel3d in which this section drawing location resides.  
placement Readonly Placement3d The section drawing location's spatial placement.  
sectionType Readonly SectionType The type of section that generated the associated SectionDrawing.  
spatialViewId Readonly string The Id of the SpatialViewDefinition from which the section drawing was generated.  
userLabel Readonly string A user-friendly label for the section drawing location.  
viewAttachment Readonly SectionViewAttachment | undefined If the section drawing is attached to a Sheet, details about the corresponding ViewAttachment.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024