ContentInstancesOfSpecificClassesSpecification Interface

This specification creates content for all instances of specific ECClasses.

@see Content instances of specific classes specification reference documentation page



Name Type Description
classes MultiSchemaClassesSpecification | MultiSchemaClassesSpecification[] Defines a set of multi schema classes that specify which  
excludedClasses MultiSchemaClassesSpecification | MultiSchemaClassesSpecification[] Defines a set of multi schema classes that prevents specified  
handlePropertiesPolymorphically boolean | undefined Specifies whether properties of derived classes should be included in the content.  
instanceFilter string | undefined Specifies an ECExpression for filtering instances  
specType "ContentInstancesOfSpecificClasses" Used for serializing to JSON.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
calculatedProperties Inherited CalculatedPropertiesSpecification[] | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Specifications of calculated properties whose values are
onlyIfNotHandled Inherited boolean | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Specifies whether this specification should be ignored if another specification was handled before as
priority Inherited number | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Controls the order in which specifications are handled — specification with higher priority value is handled
propertyCategories Inherited PropertyCategorySpecification[] | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Specifications for custom categories.
propertyOverrides Inherited PropertySpecification[] | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Specifications for various property overrides that allow customizing property display.
relatedInstances Inherited RelatedInstanceSpecification[] | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Specifications of related instances that can be used when creating the content.
relatedProperties Inherited RelatedPropertiesSpecification[] | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Specifications of related properties which are
showImages Inherited boolean | undefined ContentSpecificationBase Should image IDs be calculated for the returned instances.

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024