ClipShape Class
A clipping volume defined by a shape (an array of 3d points using only x and y dimensions).
May be given either a ClipPlaneSet to store directly, or an array of polygon points as well as other parameters
for parsing ClipPlanes from the shape later.
Name |
Description |
constructor(polygon: Point3d[][], zLow?: number, zHigh?: number, transform?: Transform, isMask: booleanfalse, invisible: booleanfalse): ClipShape Protected |
clone(result?: ClipShape): ClipShape |
Returns a deep copy of this instance of ClipShape, storing in an optional result. |
ensurePlaneSets(): void |
If the ClipShape's associated UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets is defined, do nothing. |
initSecondaryProps(isMask: boolean, zLow?: number, zHigh?: number, transform?: Transform): void |
Initialize the members of the ClipShape class that may at times be undefined. |
multiplyPlanesByMatrix4d(matrix: Matrix4d, invert: booleantrue, transpose: booleantrue): boolean |
Multiply all ClipPlanes DPoint4d by matrix. |
performTransformFromClip(point: Point3d): void |
Transform the input point in place using this instance's transformFromClip member |
performTransformToClip(point: Point3d): void |
Transform the input point in place using this instance's transformToClip member |
setPolygon(polygon: Point3d[]): void |
Sets the polygon points array of this ClipShape to the array given (by reference). |
toJSON(): ClipPrimitiveShapeProps |
Emit json object form |
transformInPlace(transform: Transform): boolean |
Apply transform to the local to world (transformFromClip ) transform. |
createBlock(extremities: Range3d, clipMask: ClipMaskXYZRangePlanes, isMask: booleanfalse, invisible: booleanfalse, transform?: Transform, result?: ClipShape): ClipShape Static |
Create a ClipShape that exists as a 3 dimensional box of the range given. |
createEmpty(isMask: booleanfalse, invisible: booleanfalse, transform?: Transform, result?: ClipShape): ClipShape Static |
Creates a new ClipShape with undefined members and a polygon points array of zero length. |
createFrom(other: ClipShape, result?: ClipShape): ClipShape Static |
Returns a new ClipShape that is a deep copy of the ClipShape given |
createShape(polygon: Point3d[][], zLow?: number, zHigh?: number, transform?: Transform, isMask: booleanfalse, invisible: booleanfalse, result?: ClipShape): undefined | ClipShape Static |
Create a new ClipShape from an array of points that make up a 2d shape (stores a deep copy of these points). |
fromClipShapeJSON(json: ClipPrimitiveShapeProps, result?: ClipShape): undefined | ClipShape Static |
Parse json to a clip shape. |
Inherited methods
Name |
Inherited from |
Description |
announceClippedArcIntervals(arc: Arc3d, announce?: AnnounceNumberNumberCurvePrimitive): boolean Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Method from Clipper interface. |
announceClippedSegmentIntervals(f0: number, f1: number, pointA: Point3d, pointB: Point3d, announce?: AnnounceNumberNumber): boolean Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Method from Clipper interface. |
arePlanesDefined(): boolean Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Returns true if the planes are present. |
classifyPointContainment(points: Point3d[], ignoreInvisibleSetting: boolean): ClipPlaneContainment Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Quick test of whether the given points fall completely inside or outside. |
containsZClip(): boolean Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Return true if any plane of the primary clipPlanes has (a) non-zero z component in its normal vector and |
fetchClipPlanesRef(): undefined | UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Get a reference to the UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets . |
isPointOnOrInside(point: Point3d, onTolerance: numberGeometry.smallMetricDistanceSquared): boolean Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Method from Clipper interface. |
pointInside(point: Point3d, onTolerance: numberGeometry.smallMetricDistanceSquared): boolean Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Return true if the point lies inside/on this polygon (or not inside/on if this polygon is a mask). |
setInvisible(invisible: boolean): void Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Sets both the clip plane set and the mask set visibility |
createCapture(planes: ConvexClipPlaneSet | UnionOfConvexClipPlaneSets, isInvisible: booleanfalse): ClipPrimitive Static Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Create a ClipPrimitive, capturing the supplied plane set as the clip planes. |
fromJSON(json: ClipPrimitiveProps): undefined | ClipPrimitive Static Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Promote json object form to class instance. |
fromJSONClipPrimitive(json: ClipPrimitivePlanesProps): undefined | ClipPrimitive Static Inherited |
ClipPrimitive |
Specific converter producing the base class ClipPrimitive. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
_isMask Protected |
boolean |
true if this is considered a hole (keep geometry outside of the polygon). |
_polygon Protected |
Point3d[] |
Points of the polygon, in the xy plane of the local coordinate system. |
_transformFromClip Protected |
Transform | undefined |
transform from local to world. |
_transformToClip Protected |
Transform | undefined |
Transform from world to local. |
_zHigh Protected |
number | undefined |
optional high z (in local coordinates). |
_zLow Protected |
number | undefined |
optional low z (in local coordinates). |
invisible Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Returns true if this ClipShape is marked as invisible. |
isMask Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Returns true if this ClipShape is a masking set. |
isValidPolygon Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Checks to ensure that the member polygon has an area, and that the polygon is closed. |
isXYPolygon Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Return true if |
polygon Accessor ReadOnly |
Point3d[] |
Returns a reference to this ClipShape's polygon array. |
transformFromClip Accessor ReadOnly |
undefined | Transform |
Return this transformFromClip, which may be undefined. |
transformIsValid Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Return true if this ClipShape has a local to world transform |
transformToClip Accessor ReadOnly |
undefined | Transform |
Return this transformToClip, which may be undefined. |
transformValid Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Returns true if this ClipShape's transforms are currently set. |
zHigh Accessor ReadOnly |
undefined | number |
Return this zHigh, which may be undefined. |
zHighValid Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Returns true if this ClipShape's upper z boundary is set. |
zLow Accessor ReadOnly |
undefined | number |
Return this zLow, which may be undefined. |
zLowValid Accessor ReadOnly |
boolean |
Returns true if this ClipShape's lower z boundary is set. |
Inherited properties
Defined in
Last Updated: 24 January, 2025