PolyfaceBuilder Class
Simple construction for strongly typed GeometryQuery objects:
Create a builder with
builder = PolyfaceBuilder.create()
Add GeometryQuery objects:
builder.addGeometryQuery(g: GeometryQuery)
builder.addCone(cone: Cone)
builder.addTorusPipe(surface: TorusPipe)
builder.addLinearSweepLineStringsXYZOnly(surface: LinearSweep)
builder.addRotationalSweep(surface: RotationalSweep)
builder.addLinearSweep(surface: LinearSweep)
builder.addRuledSweep(surface: RuledSweep)
builder.addSphere(sphere: Sphere)
builder.addBox(box: Box)
Extract with
Simple construction for ephemeral constructive data:
Create a builder with
builder = PolyfaceBuilder.create()
Add from fragmentary data:
builder.addBetweenLineStringsWithStoredIndices(linestringA linestringB)
builder.addBetweenLineStringsWithRuleEdgeNormals(linestringA, vA, linestringB, vB, addClosure)
builder.addBetweenTransformedLineStrings(curves, transformA, transformB, addClosure)
builder.addLinearSweepLineStringsXYZOnly(contour, vector)
builder.addPolygon(points, numPointsToUse)
builder.addTriangleFan(conePoint, linestring, toggleOrientation)
builder.addTrianglesInUncheckedConvexPolygon(linestring, toggle)
builder.addUVGridBody(surface,numU, numV, createFanInCaps)
builder.addGraph(Graph, acceptFaceFunction)
Extract with
Low-level detail construction -- direct use of indices:
Create a builder with
builder = PolyfaceBuilder.create()
Add GeometryQuery objects
builder.findOrAddPointInLineString(linestring, index)
Name | Description | |
addBetweenLineStringsWithRuleEdgeNormals(lineStringA: LineString3d, vA: number, lineStringB: LineString3d, vB: number, addClosure: booleanfalse): void | Add facets between lineStrings with matched point counts. | |
addBetweenLineStringsWithStoredIndices(lineStringA: LineString3d, lineStringB: LineString3d): void | Add facets between lineStrings with matched point counts. | |
addBetweenTransformedLineStrings(curves: AnyCurve, transformA: Transform, transformB: Transform, addClosure: booleanfalse): void | Add facets between lineStrings with matched point counts. | |
addBox(box: Box): void | Add facets from a box. | |
addCone(cone: Cone): void | Add facets from a Cone. | |
addCoordinateFacets(pointArray: Point3d[][], paramArray?: Point2d[][], normalArray?: Vector3d[][], endFace: booleanfalse): void | Add facets to the builder given arrays of coordinates for multiple facets. | |
addFacetFromGrowableArrays(points: GrowableXYZArray, normals: GrowableXYZArray, params: GrowableXYArray, colors: number[], edgeVisible?: boolean[]): void | Add a polygon to the evolving facets. | |
addFacetFromIndexedVisitor(visitor: PolyfaceVisitor, indices: number[]): boolean | Add the subset of visitor data indexed by the indices. | |
addFacetFromVisitor(visitor: PolyfaceVisitor): void | Add the current visitor facet to the evolving polyface. | |
addFacetsFromVisitor(visitor: PolyfaceVisitor): void | Add all visitor facets to the evolving polyface (in reverse order if indicated by the builder state). | |
addGeometryQuery(g: GeometryQuery): void | Add facets for a GeometryQuery object. | |
addGreedyTriangulationBetweenLineStrings(pointsA: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | LineString3d, pointsB: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | LineString3d): void | Add triangular facets between two linestrings. | |
addIndexedPolyface(source: IndexedPolyface, reversed: booleanfalse, transform?: Transform): void | Add a polyface with optional reverse and transform. | |
addLinearSweep(surface: LinearSweep): void | Add facets from the linear sweep. | |
addLinearSweepLineStringsXYZOnly(contour: AnyCurve, vector: Vector3d): void | Add point data (no params, normals) for linestrings. | |
addMiteredPipes(centerline: IndexedXYZCollection | Point3d[] | CurvePrimitive, sectionData: number | Readonly<WritableXAndY> | Arc3d, numFacetAround: number12): void | Add quad facets along a mitered pipe that follows a centerline curve. | |
addParamInGrowableXYArray(data: GrowableXYArray, index: number): undefined | number | Add a uv parameter to the polyface. | |
addParamXY(x: number, y: number): number | Add a uv parameter to the polyface. | |
addPoint(xyz: Point3d): number | Add a point to the polyface. | |
addPointXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): number | Add a point to the polyface. | |
addPolygon(points: Point3d[], numPointsToUse?: number): void | Add a polygon to the evolving facets. | |
addPolygonGrowableXYZArray(points: GrowableXYZArray): void | Add a polygon to the evolving facets. | |
addQuadFacet(points: Point3d[] | GrowableXYZArray, params?: Point2d[], normals?: Vector3d[], colors?: number[]): void | Add a quad to the polyface given its points in order around the edges. | |
addRotationalSweep(surface: RotationalSweep): void | Construct facets for a rotational sweep. | |
addRuledSweep(surface: RuledSweep): boolean | Add facets from a ruled sweep. | |
addSphere(sphere: Sphere, strokeCount?: number): void | Add facets from a sphere. | |
addSweptIndexedPolyface(source: IndexedPolyface, sweepVector: Vector3d, triangulateSides: booleanfalse): boolean | Add facets from the source polyface, from its translation along the vector, and from its swept boundary edges, | |
addTorusPipe(surface: TorusPipe, phiStrokeCount?: number, thetaStrokeCount?: number): void | Add facets for a TorusPipe. | |
addTransformedRangeMesh(transform: Transform, range: Range3d, faceSelector?: boolean[]): void | Add facets for a transformed range box. | |
addTransformedUnitBox(transform: Transform): void | Add facets for a transformed unit box. | |
addTriangleFacet(points: Point3d[] | GrowableXYZArray, params?: Point2d[], normals?: Vector3d[], colors?: number[]): void | Add a triangle to the polyface given its points in order around the edges. | |
addTriangleFan(conePoint: Point3d, ls: LineString3d, toggle: boolean): void | Add triangles from conePoint to each far edge. |
addTrianglesInUncheckedConvexPolygon(ls: LineString3d, toggle: boolean): void | Add triangles from the first point of the linestring to the subsequent edges of the linestring. | |
addTriangulatedRegion(region: AnyRegion): void | Construct facets for any planar region. | |
addUVGridBody(surface: UVSurface, numU: number, numV: number, uMap?: Segment1d, vMap?: Segment1d): void | Add facets from the parametric surface. | |
applyStrokeCountsToCurvePrimitives(data: GeometryQuery | AnyCurve): void | Apply stroke counts to curve primitives. | Deprecated |
claimPolyface(compress: booleantrue, tolerance: numberGeometry.smallMetricDistance): IndexedPolyface | Extract the polyface. | |
endFace(): boolean | Produce a new FacetFaceData for all terminated facets since construction of the previous face. | |
findOrAddNormalInGrowableXYZArray(xyz: GrowableXYZArray, index: number, transform?: Transform, priorIndex?: number): undefined | number | Add a normal to the polyface. | |
findOrAddNormalInLineString(ls: LineString3d, index: number, transform?: Transform, priorIndexA?: number, priorIndexB?: number): undefined | number | Add a normal to the polyface. | |
findOrAddParamInGrowableXYArray(data: GrowableXYArray, index: number): undefined | number | Add a uv parameter to the polyface. | Deprecated |
findOrAddParamInLineString(ls: LineString3d, index: number, v: number, priorIndexA?: number, priorIndexB?: number): undefined | number | Add a uv parameter to the polyface, taking u from ls.fractions and v from input. |
findOrAddParamXY(x: number, y: number): number | Add a uv parameter to the polyface. | Deprecated |
findOrAddPoint(xyz: Point3d): number | Add a point to the polyface. | Deprecated |
findOrAddPointInGrowableXYZArray(xyz: GrowableXYZArray, index: number, transform?: Transform, priorIndex?: number): undefined | number | Add a point to the polyface. | |
findOrAddPointInLineString(ls: LineString3d, index: number, transform?: Transform, priorIndex?: number): undefined | number | Add a point to the polyface. | |
findOrAddPointXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): number | Add a point to the polyface. | Deprecated |
handleBox(g: Box): any | Double dispatch handler for Box. | |
handleCone(g: Cone): any | Double dispatch handler for Cone. | |
handleLinearSweep(g: LinearSweep): any | Double dispatch handler for LinearSweep. | |
handleLoop(g: Loop): any | Double dispatch handler for Loop. | |
handleParityRegion(g: ParityRegion): any | Double dispatch handler for ParityRegion. | |
handleRotationalSweep(g: RotationalSweep): any | Double dispatch handler for RotationalSweep. | |
handleRuledSweep(g: RuledSweep): any | Double dispatch handler for RuledSweep. | |
handleSphere(g: Sphere): any | Double dispatch handler for Sphere. | |
handleTorusPipe(g: TorusPipe): any | Double dispatch handler for TorusPipe. | |
handleUnionRegion(g: UnionRegion): any | Double dispatch handler for UnionRegion. | |
toggleReversedFacetFlag(): void | Toggle (reverse) the flag controlling orientation flips for newly added facets. | |
create(options?: StrokeOptions): PolyfaceBuilder Static | Create a builder with given StrokeOptions. | |
pointsToTriangulatedPolyface(points: Point3d[], options?: StrokeOptions): undefined | IndexedPolyface Static | Create a polyface from a triangulation of the points. | |
polygonToTriangulatedPolyface(points: Point3d[], localToWorld?: Transform): undefined | IndexedPolyface Static | Create a polyface containing triangles in a (space) polygon. |
Inherited methods
Name | Type | Description | |
options Accessor ReadOnly | StrokeOptions | Return (pointer to) the StrokeOptions in use by the builder. |
reversedFlag Accessor ReadOnly | boolean | Ask if this builder is reversing vertex order as loops are received. |
Defined in
- polyface/PolyfaceBuilder.ts Line 207
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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