GrowableXYArray Class

GrowableXYArray manages a (possibly growing) Float64Array to pack xy coordinates.



Name Description
constructor(numPoints: number8, growthFactor?: number): GrowableXYArray Construct a new GrowablePoint2d array.  
areaXY(): number Sum the signed areas of the projection to xy plane  
back(result?: Point2d): undefined | Point2d Return the last point, or undefined if the array is empty.  
clear(): void Clear all xy data, but leave capacity unchanged.  
clone(): GrowableXYArray Make a copy of the (active) points in this array.  
compareLexicalBlock(ia: number, ib: number): number compare two blocks in simple lexical order.  
component(pointIndex: number, componentIndex: number): number Access a single double at offset within a block.  
copyData(source: Float64Array | number[], sourceCount?: number, destOffset?: number): { count: number, offset: number } Protected Copy xy points from source array.  
crossProductIndexIndexIndex(originIndex: number, targetAIndex: number, targetBIndex: number): undefined | number Compute the cross product of vectors from from indexed origin to indexed targets i and j  
crossProductXAndYIndexIndex(origin: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, targetAIndex: number, targetBIndex: number): undefined | number Compute the cross product of vectors from from origin to indexed targets i and j  
distance(i: number, j: number): undefined | number Return the distance between two points in the array.  
distanceIndexToPoint(i: number, spacePoint: Point2d): undefined | number Return the distance between an array point and the input point.  
ensureCapacity(pointCapacity: number, applyGrowthFactor: booleantrue): void If necessary, increase the capacity to a new pointCount.  
extendRange(rangeToExtend: Range2d, transform?: Transform): void Extend a Range2d, optionally transforming the points.  
float64Data(): Float64Array Return the raw packed data.  
front(result?: Point2d): undefined | Point2d Return the first point, or undefined if the array is empty.  
getPoint2dArray(): Point2d[] Gather all points as a Point2d[]  
getPoint2dAtCheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number, result?: Point2d): undefined | Point2d copy xy into strongly typed Point2d  
getPoint2dAtUncheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number, result?: Point2d): Point2d Get a point by index, strongly typed as a Point2d.  
getPoint3dArray(z: number0): Point3d[] Copy all points into a simple array of Point3d with given z.  
getVector2dAtCheckedVectorIndex(vectorIndex: number, result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d copy xy into strongly typed Vector2d  
getXAtUncheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number): number Get x coordinate by point index, with no index checking  
getYAtUncheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number): number Get y coordinate by point index, with no index checking  
interpolate(i: number, fraction: number, j: number, result?: Point2d): undefined | Point2d Compute a point at fractional coordinate between points i and j  
isAlmostEqual(other: GrowableXYArray, tolerance: numberGeometry.smallMetricDistance): boolean Toleranced equality test  
isIndexValid(index: number): boolean Test if index is valid for an xy (point or vector) within this array  
multiplyMatrix3dInPlace(matrix: Matrix3d): void multiply each xy (as a vector) by matrix, replace values.  
multiplyTransformInPlace(transform: Transform): void multiply each point by the transform, replace values.  
pop(): void Remove one point from the back.  
push(toPush: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): void push a point to the end of the array  
pushAll(points: Readonly<WritableXAndY>[]): void push all points of an array  
pushAllXYAndZ(points: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>[] | GrowableXYZArray): void push all points of an array  
pushFrom(p: any): void Push copies of points from variant sources.  
pushFromGrowableXYArray(source: GrowableXYArray, sourceIndex?: number): number push coordinates from the source array to the end of this array.  
pushInterpolatedFromGrowableXYArray(source: GrowableXYArray, i: number, fraction: number, j: number): void * Compute a point at fractional coordinate between points i and j of source  
pushWrap(numWrap: number): void Replicate numWrap xy values from the front of the array as new values at the end.  
pushXY(x: number, y: number): void push a point given by x,y coordinates  
resize(pointCount: number, padWithZero?: boolean): void * If pointCount is less than current length, just reset current length to pointCount, effectively trimming active points but preserving original capacity.  
reverseInPlace(): void reverse the order of points.  
scaleInPlace(factor: number): void Multiply each x,y by the scale factor.  
setAtCheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number, value: Readonly<WritableXAndY>): boolean Set the coordinates of a single point.  
setXYAtCheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number, x: number, y: number): boolean Set the coordinates of a single point given as coordinates.  
setXYZAtCheckedPointIndex(pointIndex: number, x: number, y: number): boolean Set the coordinates of a single point given as coordinates. Deprecated  
sortIndicesLexical(): Uint32Array Return an array of block indices sorted per compareLexicalBlock function  
sumLengths(): number sum the lengths of segments between points.  
transferFromGrowableXYArray(destIndex: number, source: GrowableXYArray, sourceIndex: number): boolean Read coordinates from source array, place them at index within this array.  
tryTransformInverseInPlace(transform: Transform): boolean multiply each point by the transform, replace values.  
vectorIndexIndex(i: number, j: number, result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d Compute a vector from index origin i to indexed target j  
vectorXAndYIndex(origin: Readonly<WritableXAndY>, j: number, result?: Vector2d): undefined | Vector2d Compute a vector from origin to indexed target j  
create(data: any, result?: GrowableXYArray): GrowableXYArray Static Create an array populated from  
createArrayOfGrowableXYZArray(data: MultiLineStringDataVariant): undefined | GrowableXYZArray[] Static Restructure MultiLineStringDataVariant as array of GrowableXYZArray Deprecated  
createFromGrowableXYZArray(source: GrowableXYZArray, transform?: Transform, dest?: GrowableXYArray): GrowableXYArray Static Create an array of xy points from source xyz points.  
isAlmostEqual(dataA: GrowableXYArray, dataB: GrowableXYArray): boolean Static Test for nearly equal arrays.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
linearCombination(scales: number[], result?: Vector2d | Point2d): XY Inherited IndexedXYCollection Compute the linear combination s of the indexed p_i and given scales s_i.


Name Type Description
float64Length Accessor ReadOnly number Return the number of float64 in use.  
length Accessor number The number of points in use.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024