HyperModelingDecorator Class

A Decorator that displays a SectionMarker for each SectionDrawingLocation in the view. Clicking on a marker toggles the section and the display of associated 2d graphics. Hovering over a marker opens a mini toolbar with additional interactions.

@see - SectionMarkerHandler to customize the marker interactions.

  • startOrStop to enable or disable the decorator for a viewport.



Name Description
alignToSpatialView(marker: SectionMarker): Promise<boolean> Aligns the view to match the frustum of the spatial view associated with the specified marker.  
alignView(marker: SectionMarker): void Aligns the viewport to face the specified marker's section plane.  
applySpatialView(marker: SectionMarker): Promise<boolean> Applies the marker's spatial view - including its clip volume - to the decorator's viewport.  
openSection(marker: SectionMarker): Promise<boolean> Opens the marker's drawing view in the decorator's viewport.  
openSheet(marker: SectionMarker): Promise<boolean> Opens marker's sheet view in the decorator's viewport and zooms in on the associated ViewAttachment.  
replaceConfiguration(config?: SectionMarkerConfig): void Replaces the current marker display configuration, overwriting all previous settings.  
requestSync(): void Request that the visibility of the section markers be recomputed.  
setActiveMarker(marker: SectionMarker): Promise<boolean> Sets the currently active marker.  
toggleAttachment(marker: SectionMarker, enable: boolean): Promise<boolean> Toggles display of 2d section graphics and sheet annotations for the specified marker.  
toggleClipVolume(marker: SectionMarker, enable: boolean): void Toggles whether the clip volume associated with the specified marker is applied to the view.  
toggleSection(marker: SectionMarker, enable: boolean): Promise<boolean> Toggles the specified section marker.  
updateConfiguration(config: SectionMarkerConfig): void Overrides specific aspects of the current marker display configuration.  
create(vp: ScreenViewport, config: SectionMarkerConfig): Promise<undefined | HyperModelingDecorator> Static Create a new decorator and register it with the ViewManager.  
getForViewport(vp: ScreenViewport): undefined | HyperModelingDecorator Static Obtain the decorator associated with the specified viewport, if any.  


Name Type Description
activeMarker Accessor ReadOnly undefined | SectionMarker The currently active marker.  
markers Readonly SectionMarkerSet The set of SectionMarkers controlled by this decorator.  
viewport Accessor ReadOnly ScreenViewport The viewport into which this decorator draws its SectionMarkers.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024