CurveLocationDetail Class

CurveLocationDetail carries point and parameter data about a point evaluated on a curve.

  • These are returned by a variety of queries.
  • Particular contents can vary among the queries.


Name Description
constructor(): CurveLocationDetail Constructor  
captureFraction1Point1(fraction1: number, point1: Point3d): void Set the (optional) fraction1 and point1, using direct assignment (capture!) to point1  
clone(result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Return a complete copy, WITH CAVEATS .  
collapseToEnd(): void If (fraction1, point1) are defined, make them the primary (and only) data.  
collapseToStart(): void Make (fraction, point) the primary (and only) data.  
inverseInterpolateFraction(f: number, defaultFraction: number0): number Return the fraction where f falls between fraction and fraction1.  
isSameCurveAndFraction(other: CurveLocationDetail | { curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number }): boolean Compare only the curve and fraction of this detail with other.  
setCurve(curve: CurvePrimitive): void Set the CurvePrimitive pointer, leaving all other properties untouched.  
setDistanceTo(point: Point3d): void Record the distance from the CurveLocationDetail's point to the parameter point.  
setFP(fraction: number, point: Point3d, vector?: Vector3d, a: number0.0): void Updated in this instance.  
setFR(fraction: number, ray: Ray3d, a: number0): void Updated in this instance.  
setIntervalRole(value: CurveIntervalRole): void Set the (optional) intervalRole field  
swapFractionsAndPoints(): void Exchange the (fraction,fraction1) and (point, point1) pairs.  
tryTransformInPlace(transform: Transform): boolean Transform the detail in place.  
updateIfCloserCurveFractionPointDistance(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number, point: Point3d, a: number): boolean Update or create if closer than current contents.  
chooseSmallerA(detailA: CurveLocationDetail, detailB: CurveLocationDetail): undefined | CurveLocationDetail Static Return the detail with smaller a value -- detailA returned if equal.  
create(curve?: CurvePrimitive, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with a CurvePrimitive pointer but no coordinate data.  
createConditionalMoveSignedDistance(allowExtension: boolean, curve: CurvePrimitive, startFraction: number, endFraction: number, requestedSignedDistance: number, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with curveSearchStatus affected by allowExtension.  
createCurveEvaluatedFraction(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with CurvePrimitive pointer and fraction for evaluation.  
createCurveEvaluatedFractionFraction(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction0: number, fraction1: number, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with CurvePrimitive pointer and 2 fractions for evaluation.  
createCurveEvaluatedFractionPointAndDerivative(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with CurvePrimitive pointer and fraction for evaluation.  
createCurveFractionPoint(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number, point: Point3d, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create a new detail using CurvePrimitive pointer, fraction, and point coordinates.  
createCurveFractionPointDistance(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number, point: Point3d, a: number, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with CurvePrimitive pointer, fraction, and point coordinates.  
createCurveFractionPointDistanceCurveSearchStatus(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number, point: Point3d, distance: number, status: CurveSearchStatus, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create with CurvePrimitive pointer, fraction, and point coordinates  
createRayFractionPoint(ray: Ray3d, fraction: number, point: Point3d, result?: CurveLocationDetail): CurveLocationDetail Static Create a new detail with only ray, fraction, and point.  


Name Type Description
a number A context-specific numeric value.  
childDetail CurveLocationDetail | undefined Optional CurveLocationDetail with more detail of location.  
curve CurvePrimitive | undefined The curve being evaluated  
curveSearchStatus CurveSearchStatus | undefined A status indicator for certain searches.  
fraction number The fractional position along the curve  
fraction1 number | undefined (Optional) second fraction, e.g.  
fractionDelta Accessor ReadOnly number Return the fraction delta.  
hasFraction1 Accessor ReadOnly boolean Test if this pair has fraction1 defined  
intervalRole CurveIntervalRole | undefined Detail condition of the role this point has in some context  
isIsolated Accessor ReadOnly boolean Test if this is an isolated point.  
point Point3d The point on the curve  
point1 Point3d | undefined (Optional) second point, e.g.  
pointQ Point3d A context-specific temporary point, e.g.  
ray Ray3d | undefined Optional ray  
vectorInCurveLocationDetail Vector3d | undefined A vector (e.g.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025