Ray3d Class
A Ray3d contains
- an
point. - a
vector (The vector is not required to be normalized). - an optional weight (number).
Name | Description | |
clone(result?: Ray3d): Ray3d | Clone the ray. | |
cloneInverseTransformed(transform: Transform, result?: Ray3d): undefined | Ray3d | Create a clone and return the inverse transform of the clone. | |
cloneTransformed(transform: Transform, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d | Return a clone of the transformed instance | |
distance(spacePoint: Point3d): number | Return distance from the ray to point in space. | |
dotProductToPoint(spacePoint: Point3d): number | Return the dot product of the ray's direction vector with a vector from the ray origin | |
fractionToPoint(fraction: number, result?: Point3d): Point3d | Return a point at fractional position along the ray. | |
getDirectionRef(): Vector3d | Return a reference to the ray's direction vector. | |
getOriginRef(): Point3d | Return a reference to the ray's origin. | |
intersectionWithPlane(plane: Plane3dByOriginAndUnitNormal, result?: Point3d): undefined | number | Return the intersection parameter of the line defined by the ray with a plane . |
intersectionWithRange3d(range: Range3d, result?: Range1d): Range1d | Find the intersection of the line defined by the ray with a Range3d. | |
intersectionWithTriangle(vertex0: Point3d, vertex1: Point3d, vertex2: Point3d, distanceTol?: number, parameterTol?: number, result?: Point3d): undefined | Point3d | Compute the intersection of the ray with a triangle. | |
isAlmostEqual(other: Ray3d): boolean | Test for nearly equal Ray3d objects. | |
isAlmostEqualPointSet(other: Ray3d): boolean | Test for nearly equal rays, allowing origin float and direction scaling. | |
perpendicularPartOfVectorToTarget(targetPoint: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, result?: Vector3d): Vector3d | Return the shortest vector v to targetPoint from the line defined by this ray. |
pointToFraction(spacePoint: Point3d): number | Return the fractional coordinate (along the direction vector) of the spacePoint projected to the ray. |
projectPointToRay(spacePoint: Point3d): Point3d | Return the spacePoint projected onto the ray. |
set(origin: Point3d, direction: Vector3d): void | Copy coordinates from origin and direction. | |
setFrom(source: Ray3d): void | Copy data from another ray. | |
setFromJSON(json?: any): void | Convert {origin:[x,y,z], direction:[u,v,w]} to a Ray3d. | |
toJSON(): any | Construct a JSON object from this Ray3d. | |
toRigidZFrame(result?: Transform): Transform | Return a transform for rigid axes at ray origin with z in ray direction. | |
transformInPlace(transform: Transform): void | Apply a transform in place. | |
tryNormalizeInPlaceWithAreaWeight(a: number): boolean | Normalize the ray direction in place. | |
trySetDirectionMagnitudeInPlace(magnitude: number1.0): boolean | Try to scale the direction vector to a given magnitude . |
closestApproachRay3dRay3d(rayA: Ray3d, rayB: Ray3d): CurveLocationDetailPair Static | Determine if two rays intersect, or are fully overlapped, or parallel but not coincident, or skew. | |
create(origin: Point3d, direction: Vector3d, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Static | Create a ray from origin and direction. | |
createCapture(origin: Point3d, direction: Vector3d): Ray3d Static | Capture origin and direction in a new Ray3d. | |
createPointVectorNumber(origin: Point3d, direction: Vector3d, a: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Static | Create from (clones of) origin, direction, and numeric weight. | |
createStartEnd(origin: Point3d, target: Point3d, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Static | Create from origin and target. | |
createWeightedDerivative(weightedPoint: Float64Array, weightedDerivative: Float64Array, result?: Ray3d): undefined | Ray3d Static | Given a homogeneous point and its derivative components, construct a Ray3d with cartesian | |
createXAxis(): Ray3d Static | Create a ray on the x axis. | |
createXYZUVW(originX: number, originY: number, originZ: number, directionX: number, directionY: number, directionZ: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Static | Create from coordinates of the origin and direction. | |
createYAxis(): Ray3d Static | Create a ray on the y axis. | |
createZAxis(): Ray3d Static | Create a ray on the z axis. | |
createZero(result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Static | Create a ray with all zeros. | |
fromJSON(json?: any): Ray3d Static | Create a new ray from json object. | |
interpolatePointAndTangent(pt1: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, fraction: number, pt2: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>, tangentScale: number, result?: Ray3d): Ray3d Static | Return a ray with ray.origin interpolated between pt1 and pt2 at the given fraction |
Name | Type | Description | |
a | number | undefined | Numeric annotation. | |
direction | Vector3d | The ray direction. | |
origin | Point3d | The ray origin |
Defined in
- geometry3d/Ray3d.ts Line 28
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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