SurveyLengthDescription Class
Survey Length Property Description
Name | Description | |
constructor(name?: string, displayLabel?: string, iconSpec?: string): SurveyLengthDescription |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
formatValue(numberValue: number): string Protected Inherited | FormattedQuantityDescription | |
parseString(userInput: string): ParseResults Protected Inherited | FormattedQuantityDescription |
Name | Type | Description | |
formatterQuantityType Accessor ReadOnly | QuantityType | ||
parseError Accessor ReadOnly | string |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
displayLabel Inherited | string | FormattedQuantityDescription | Display label for the property description |
editor Inherited | PropertyEditorInfo | FormattedQuantityDescription | Information for a property editor |
format Inherited | (numberValue: number) => string | FormattedQuantityDescription | |
formatterSpec Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | undefined | FormatterSpec | FormattedQuantityDescription | |
name Inherited | string | FormattedQuantityDescription | Name of the property description |
parse Inherited | (userInput: string) => ParseResults | FormattedQuantityDescription | |
parserSpec Accessor Inherited ReadOnly | undefined | ParserSpec | FormattedQuantityDescription | |
typename Inherited | string | FormattedQuantityDescription | Type name used to determine applicable Type Converter and Property Editor |
Defined in
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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