ElementLoadProps Interface

Parameters to specify what element to load for functions like IModelDb.Elements.getElementProps.



Name Type Description
code CodeProps | undefined The properties of the Code of the element to load.  
federationGuid string | undefined    
id string | undefined    

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
displayStyle Inherited DisplayStyleLoadProps | undefined ElementLoadOptions Options controlling which properties of DisplayStyleProps to include or exclude.
onlyBaseProperties Inherited boolean | undefined ElementLoadOptions if true, only load the members of ElementProps, and no members from subclasses
renderTimeline Inherited RenderTimelineLoadProps | undefined ElementLoadOptions Options controlling which properties of RenderTimelineProps to include or exclude.
wantBRepData Inherited boolean | undefined ElementLoadOptions If true, include BRepEntity.DataProps.data in the GeometryStreamProps for GeometricElementProps and GeometryPartProps.
wantGeometry Inherited boolean | undefined ElementLoadOptions If true, include the GeometryStreamProps for GeometricElementProps and GeometryPartProps.

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025