ViewFlagProps Interface

JSON representation of ViewFlags. This is a persistence format with some unfortunate quirks that have been retained for backwards compatibility. In particular, it supplies three separate flags intended to control lighting - noCameraLights, noSourceLights, and noSolarLight - but there exists only a single lighting flag. lighting is set to true unless all three of the "no lighting" flags are true. It also uses awkward negative (noConstruct, noTransp) and/or abbreviated (clipVol, visEdges) property names that differ from those of the corresponding ViewFlags properties, making usage of this type in code error-prone. Prefer to use ViewFlagsProperties unless you need to work directly with the persistence format.


Name Type Description
acs boolean | undefined If true, display graphics representing the AuxCoordSystem.  
ambientOcclusion boolean | undefined If true, apply AmbientOcclusion.  
backgroundMap boolean | undefined Display a background map.  
clipVol boolean | undefined If true, apply the view's clipping volume.  
forceSurfaceDiscard boolean | undefined Controls whether surface discard is always applied regardless of other ViewFlags.  
grid boolean | undefined If true, display a grid in the view.  
hidEdges boolean | undefined If true, display the edges of surfaces, even if they are behind other geometry.  
monochrome boolean | undefined If true, apply the view's monochromeColor and monochromeMode to produce a monochrome image.  
noCameraLights boolean | undefined See ViewFlagProps for how this affects lighting.  
noConstruct boolean | undefined If true, don't display geometry of class Construction.  
noDim boolean | undefined If true, don't display geometry of class Dimension.  
noFill boolean | undefined If true, don't show filled planar regions, unless they use FillFlags.Always.  
noMaterial boolean | undefined If true, don't apply RenderMaterials to surfaces.  
noPattern boolean | undefined If true, don't display geometry of class Pattern.  
noSolarLight boolean | undefined See ViewFlagProps for how this affects lighting.  
noSourceLights boolean | undefined See ViewFlagProps for how this affects lighting.  
noStyle boolean | undefined If true, don't apply LinePixels styles.  
noTexture boolean | undefined If true, don't apply RenderTextures to surfaces.  
noTransp boolean | undefined If true, display transparency geometry as opaque.  
noWeight boolean | undefined If true, all lines are drawn with a width of 1 pixel.  
noWhiteOnWhiteReversal boolean | undefined Disables the "white-on-white reversal" employed by some CAD applications.  
renderMode RenderMode | undefined The basic rendering mode, which affects the behavior of other flags.  
shadows boolean | undefined If true, display shadows.  
thematicDisplay boolean | undefined If true, apply ThematicDisplay.  
visEdges boolean | undefined If true, display the edges of surfaces.  
wiremesh boolean | undefined If true, overlay surfaces with wiremesh to reveal their triangulation.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025