FractionRun Class

A Run containing a numeric ratio to be displayed as a numerator and denominator separated by a horizontal or diagonal bar.

@note The numerator and denominator are stored as strings. They are not technically required to contain a numeric representation.



Name Description
clone(): FractionRun Create a deep copy of this component.  
equals(other: TextBlockComponent): boolean Returns true if this is equivalent to other.  
stringify(options?: TextBlockStringifyOptions): string Formats the fraction as a string with the numerator and denominator separated by fractionSeparator.  
toJSON(): FractionRunProps Convert this component to its JSON representation.  
create(props: Omit<FractionRunProps, "type">): FractionRun Static    

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
applyStyle(styleName: string, options?: ApplyTextStyleOptions): void TextBlockComponent Apply the TextStyle specified by styleName to this component, optionally preserving styleOverrides and/or preventing propagation to sub-components.
clearStyleOverrides(): void TextBlockComponent Reset any styleOverrides applied to this component's TextStyle.


Name Type Description
denominator string The fraction's denominator.  
numerator string The fraction's numerator.  
type Readonly "fraction" Discriminator field for the Run union.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
overridesStyle Accessor ReadOnly boolean TextBlockComponent Returns true if styleOverrides specifies any deviations from this component's base TextStyle.
styleName Accessor string TextBlockComponent The name of the TextStyle that provides the base formatting for the contents of this component.
styleOverrides Accessor TextStyleSettingsProps TextBlockComponent Deviations in individual properties of the TextStyle specified by styleName.
For example, if the style uses the "Arial" font, you can override that by settings styleOverrides.fontName to "Comic Sans".

Defined in

Last Updated: 04 October, 2024