WorkspaceEditor Namespace


Name Description
WorkspaceEditor.construct Create a new WorkspaceEditor for creating new versions of WorkspaceDbs.
WorkspaceEditor.createEmptyDb Create a new, empty, EditableWorkspaceDb file on the local filesystem for importing Workspace resources.

Defined in

WorkspaceEditor Interface

An object that permits administrators to modify the contents of a Workspace. Use construct to obtain a WorkspaceEditor, and close when finished using it. Only one WorkspaceEditor may be in use at any given time. Use getContainer to edit an existing WorkspaceContainer, or createNewCloudContainer to create a new WorkspaceContainer.


Name Description
close(): void Closes this editor.  
createNewCloudContainer(args: CreateNewWorkspaceContainerArgs): Promise<EditableWorkspaceContainer> Creates a new cloud container for holding WorkspaceDbs, from the BlobContainer service.  
getContainer(args: GetWorkspaceContainerArgs): EditableWorkspaceContainer Retrieves a container for the editor with the specified properties and access token.  
getContainerAsync(props: WorkspaceContainerProps): Promise<EditableWorkspaceContainer> Asynchronously retrieves a container for the editor with the specified properties.  


Name Type Description
workspace Readonly Workspace The workspace dedicated to this editor.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025