LinearlyReferencedToPositionRefersToReferent Class
Relationship indicating the referent used by a particular linearly-referenced To position.
Name | Description | |
constructor(referentId: string, relClassName: stringLinearlyReferencedToPositionRefersToReferent.classFullName): LinearlyReferencedToPositionRefersToReferent |
Inherited methods
Name | Inherited from | Description |
toJSON(): RelatedElementProps Inherited | RelatedElement | |
fromJSON(json?: RelatedElementProps): undefined | RelatedElement Static Inherited | RelatedElement | |
idFromJson(json: any): string Static Inherited | RelatedElement | Accept the value of a navigation property that might be in the shortened format of just an id or might be in the full RelatedElement format. |
Name | Type | Description | |
classFullName Static | string |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
id Readonly Inherited | string | RelatedElement | The Id of the element to which this element is related. |
none Static Readonly Inherited | RelatedElement | RelatedElement | Used to null out an existing navigation relationship. |
relClassName Readonly Inherited | string | undefined | RelatedElement | The full className of the relationship class. |
Defined in
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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