TwoWayViewportFrustumSync Class

Forms a bidirectional connection between two Viewports such that the Frustums of each are synchronized with one another. For example, zooming out in one viewport will zoom out by the same distance in the other viewport. No other aspects of the viewports are synchronized - they may have entirely different display styles, category/model selectors, etc.

@see - TwoWayViewportSync to synchronize all aspects of the viewports.



Name Description
constructor(): TwoWayViewportFrustumSync    
connectViewports(source: Viewport, target: Viewport): void Protected Sets up the initial connection between two viewports by applying source's frustum to target.  
syncViewports(source: Viewport, target: Viewport): void Protected Synchronizes the two viewports by applying source's frustum to target.  

Inherited methods

Name Inherited from Description
connect(viewport1: Viewport, viewport2: Viewport): void Inherited TwoWayViewportSync Establish the connection between two Viewports.
disconnect(): void Inherited TwoWayViewportSync Remove the connection between the two views.

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
_disconnect Protected Readonly Inherited VoidFunction[] TwoWayViewportSync  

Defined in

Last Updated: 11 March, 2025