MapSubLayerSettings Class

Normalized representation of a MapSubLayerProps for which values have been validated and default values have been applied where explicit values not defined. A map sub layer represents a set of objects within the layer that can be controlled separately. These are produced only from map servers that produce images on demand and are not supported by tiled (cached) servers. This class can represent a hierarchy, in this case a sub layer is visible only if all its ancestors are also visible.

@see MapLayerSettings


Name Description
constructor(name: string, title?: string, visible?: boolean, id?: SubLayerId, parent?: SubLayerId, children?: SubLayerId[]): MapSubLayerSettings    
clone(changedProps: Partial<MapSubLayerProps>): MapSubLayerSettings Creating a copy of this MapSubLayer, optionally modifying some if its properties  
toJSON(): MapSubLayerProps    
fromJSON(json: MapSubLayerProps): MapSubLayerSettings Static Construct from JSON, performing validation and applying default values for undefined fields.  


Name Type Description
children Readonly SubLayerId[] | undefined One or more sublayer children  
id Readonly SubLayerId A unique string or number that may be used to identify the sub layer (ArcGIS)  
idString Accessor ReadOnly string return a string representing this sublayer id (converting to string if underlying id is number)  
isLeaf Accessor ReadOnly boolean return true if this sublayer is a leaf (has no children)  
isNamed Accessor ReadOnly boolean return true if this sublayer is named.  
isUnnamedGroup Accessor ReadOnly boolean return true if this sublayer is an unnamed group  
name Readonly string Typically Name is a single word used for machine-to-machine communication while the Title is for the benefit of humans (WMS)  
parent Readonly SubLayerId | undefined sublayer parent.  
title Readonly string | undefined Title.  
visible Readonly boolean If true the sub layer is visible.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024