PathFragment Class
Annotation of a fragment, i.e. an interval of a curve.
- The interval is marked with two pairs of numbers:
- fraction0, fraction1 = fraction parameters along the child curve.
- distance0, distance1 = distances within containing CurveChainWithDistanceIndex.
Name | Description | |
constructor(childFraction0: number, childFraction1: number, distance0: number, distance1: number, childCurve: CurvePrimitive, range?: Range3d): PathFragment | Create a fragment with complete fraction, distance, and child data. | |
chainDistanceToAccurateChildFraction(chainDistance: number, allowExtrapolation?: boolean): number | Convert the given chainDistance to a fraction along this childCurve using moveSignedDistanceFromFraction . |
chainDistanceToInterpolatedChildFraction(distance: number): number | Convert distance to local fraction and apply that to interpolate between the stored curve fractions. | |
childFractionTChainDistance(fraction: number): number | Deprecated | |
childFractionToChainDistance(fraction: number): number | Convert a fractional position on the childCurve of this fragment to distance on the curve chain. | |
containsChainDistance(distance: number): boolean | Return true if the distance is within the distance limits of this fragment. | |
containsChildCurveAndChildFraction(curve: CurvePrimitive, fraction: number): boolean | Return true if this fragment addresses curve and brackets fraction . |
fractionScaleFactor(globalDistance: number): number | Return the scale factor to map childCurve fraction derivatives to chain fraction derivatives. | |
quickMinDistanceToChildCurve(spacePoint: Point3d): number | Return a quick minimum distance from spacePoint to the curve. | |
reverseFractionsAndDistances(totalDistance: number): void | Reverse the fraction and distance data. | |
collectSortedQuickMinDistances(fragments: PathFragment[], spacePoint: Point3d): PathFragment[] Static | Return an array with (references to) all the input path fragments, sorted smallest to largest on the "a" value, |
Name | Type | Description | |
a | number | Working var for use in searches. | |
chainDistance0 | number | Distance along parent to this fragment start. | |
chainDistance1 | number | Distance along parent to this fragment end. | |
childCurve | CurvePrimitive | Curve primitive of this fragment, as presented in stroker. | |
childFraction0 | number | The start of this PathFragment , as a local fractional parameter of this.childCurve . |
childFraction1 | number | The end of this PathFragment , as a local fractional parameter of this.childCurve . |
range | Range3d | undefined | Optional range |
Defined in
Last Updated: 24 January, 2025
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