RangeBase Class
Base class for Range1d, Range2d, Range3d.
Extended by
Name | Description | |
constructor(): RangeBase | ||
coordinateToRangeAbsoluteDistance(x: number, low: number, high: number): number Static | Given a coordinate and pair of range limits, return the smallest distance to the range. | |
isExtremePoint2d(xy: Point2d): boolean Static | Return true if either of x,y is outside the range `[_EXTREME_NEGATIVE, _EXTREME_POSITIVE]' | |
isExtremePoint3d(xyz: Point3d): boolean Static | Return true if any x or y or z is outside the range `[_EXTREME_NEGATIVE, _EXTREME_POSITIVE]' | |
isExtremeValue(x: number): boolean Static | Return true if x is outside the range `[_EXTREME_NEGATIVE, _EXTREME_POSITIVE]' | |
multiplyIfPositive(q: number, factor: number, defaultValue: number0.0): number Static | If a > 0, return (extrapolationFactor * a); otherwise return defaultValue | |
npcScaleFactor(low: number, high: number): number Protected Static | Return 0 if high<= low, otherwise 1/(high-low) for use in fractionalizing |
rangeToRangeAbsoluteDistance(lowA: number, highA: number, lowB: number, highB: number): number Static | Return the min absolute distance from any point of [lowA,highA]' to any point of [lowB,highB]'. |
Defined in
- geometry3d/Range.ts Line 26
Last Updated: 24 January, 2025
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