createRigidViewAxesZTowardsEye MethodStatic
Create a rigid matrix (columns and rows are unit length and pairwise perpendicular) for the given eye coordinate.
- column 2 is parallel to (x,y,z).
- column 0 is perpendicular to column 2 and is in the xy plane.
- column 1 is perpendicular to both. It is the "up" vector on the view plane.
- Multiplying the returned matrix times a local (view) vector gives the world vector.
- Multiplying transpose of the returned matrix times a world vector gives the local (view) vector.
- If you want to rotate a given plane (which contains (0,0,0)) to the xy-plane, pass coordinates of the normal vector of your plane into createRigidViewAxesZTowardsEye. The transpose of the returned Matrix3d can be used to rotate your plane to the xy-plane. If plane does not contain (0,0,0) then the plane is rotated to a plane parallel to the xy-plane.
createRigidViewAxesZTowardsEye(x: number, y: number, z: number, result?: Matrix3d): Matrix3d
Parameter | Type | Description |
x | number | eye x coordinate |
y | number | eye y coordinate |
z | number | eye z coordinate |
result | Matrix3d | optional preallocated result |
Returns - Matrix3d
Defined in
- geometry3d/Matrix3d.ts Line 2606
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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