clipConvexPolygonInPlace MethodStatic

Clip a polygon to one side of a plane.

  • Results with 2 or fewer points are ignored.
  • Other than ensuring capacity in the arrays, there are no object allocations during execution of this function.
  • plane is passed as unrolled Point4d (ax,ay,az,aw) point (x,y,z) acts as homogeneous (x,y,z,1)
    • keepPositive === true selects positive altitudes.

clipConvexPolygonInPlace(plane: PlaneAltitudeEvaluator, xyz: GrowableXYZArray, work: GrowableXYZArray, keepPositive: booleantrue, tolerance: numberGeometry.smallMetricDistance): number

@returns the number of crossings. If this is larger than 2, the result is "correct" in a parity sense but may have overlapping (hence cancelling) parts.

Parameter Type Description
plane PlaneAltitudeEvaluator any type that has plane.altitude
xyz GrowableXYZArray input points.
work GrowableXYZArray work buffer
keepPositive boolean  
tolerance number tolerance for "on plane" decision.

Returns - number

the number of crossings. If this is larger than 2, the result is "correct" in a parity sense but may have overlapping (hence cancelling) parts.

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024