PlaneAltitudeEvaluator Interface

Plane Evaluation methods.

  • These provide the necessary queries to implement clipping operations without knowing if the plane in use is a ClipPlane, Plane3dByOriginAndUnitNormal, Plane3dByOriginAndVectors, Point4d.
  • The Plane3d class declares obligation to implement these methods, and passes the obligation on to concrete implementations by declaring them as abstract members which the particular classes can implement.
  • It is intended that this interface be deprecated because its implementation by Plane3d provides all of its functionality and allows more to be added.

Implemented by


Name Description
altitude(point: Point3d): number Return the altitude of the point from the plane.  
altitudeXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): number Return the altitude of the point from the plane, with the point supplied as simple x,y,z  
normalX(): number x part of normal vector  
normalY(): number x part of normal vector  
normalZ(): number x part of normal vector  
velocity(vector: Vector3d): number Return the derivative of altitude with respect to motion along a vector.  
velocityXYZ(x: number, y: number, z: number): number Return the derivative of altitude with respect to motion along a vector given by components.  
weightedAltitude(point: Point4d): number Return the weighted altitude  

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024