doLocalRangesIntersect MethodStatic

Test for intersection of two ranges in different local coordinates.

  • Useful for clash detection of elements in iModels, using their stored (tight) local ranges and placement transforms.

doLocalRangesIntersect(range0: Range3d, local0ToWorld: Transform, range1: Range3d, local1ToWorld: Transform, range1Margin?: number): boolean

@returns whether the local ranges are adjacent or intersect. Also returns false if local1ToWorld is singular.

Parameter Type Description
range0 Range3d first range in local coordinates
local0ToWorld Transform placement transform for first range
range1 Range3d second range in local coordinates
local1ToWorld Transform placement transform for second range. Assumed to be invertible.
range1Margin number optional signed local distance to expand/contract the second range before intersection. Positive expands.

Returns - boolean

whether the local ranges are adjacent or intersect. Also returns false if local1ToWorld is singular.

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024