ViewDetails3d Class
Encapsulates access to optional 3d view details stored in JSON properties.
@see ViewDetails3dProps for the JSON representation.
Name | Type | Description | |
allow3dManipulations Accessor | boolean | Controls whether viewing tools are allowed to operate on the view in 3 dimensions. | |
modelClipGroups Accessor | ModelClipGroups | Groups of models associated with ClipVectors by which those models should be clipped. | |
onModelClipGroupsChanged Readonly | BeEvent<(newGroups: ModelClipGroups) => void> | Event raised when just before assignment to the modelClipGroups property. |
Inherited properties
Name | Type | Inherited from | Description |
aspectRatioSkew Accessor Inherited | number | ViewDetails | The aspect ratio skew (x/y, usually 1.0) used to exaggerate the y axis of the view. |
auxiliaryCoordinateSystemId Accessor Inherited | string | ViewDetails | The Id of the auxiliary coordinate system for the view. |
clipVector Accessor Inherited | undefined | ClipVector | ViewDetails | Clipping volume for the view. |
gridOrientation Accessor Inherited | GridOrientationType | ViewDetails | The orientation of the view's grid. |
gridSpacing Accessor Inherited | Readonly<WritableXAndY> | ViewDetails | The grid spacing for the view. |
gridsPerRef Accessor Inherited | number | ViewDetails | The number of grids per ref for the view. |
maxSkew Static Inherited | number | ViewDetails | Maximum aspect ratio skew. |
onClipVectorChanged Readonly Inherited | BeEvent<(newClip: ClipVector) => void> | ViewDetails | Event raised just before assignment to the clipVector property. |
Defined in
- core/common/src/ViewDetails.ts Line 181
Last Updated: 19 March, 2025
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