OctEncodedNormal Class

Represents a 3d normal vector compressed into a single 16-bit integer using oct-encoding. These are chiefly used to reduce the space required to store normal vectors for RenderGraphics.


Name Description
constructor(val: number): OctEncodedNormal Construct directly from a 16-bit encoded value.  
decode(): Vector3d Decode this oct-encoded normal into a normalized vector.  
decodeValue(val: number, result?: Vector3d): Vector3d Static Decode a 16-bit encoded value into a normalized vector.  
encode(vec: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>): number Static Compute the encoded 16-bit value of the supplied normalized vector.  
encodeXYZ(nx: number, ny: number, nz: number): number Static Compute the encoded 16-bit value of the supplied normalized vector components.  
fromVector(val: Readonly<WritableXYAndZ>): OctEncodedNormal Static Create an OctEncodedNormal from a normalized vector.  


Name Type Description
value Readonly number The encoded normal.  

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025