IModelHubStatus Enumeration
Statuses produced by APIs that interact with iModelHub, typically encountered as the errorNumber
of an IModelError.
Name |
Value |
Description |
AnotherUserPushing |
BriefcaseDoesNotBelongToUser |
BriefcaseDoesNotExist |
ChangeSetAlreadyExists |
ChangeSetAlreadyHasVersion |
ChangeSetDoesNotExist |
ChangeSetPointsToBadSeed |
CheckpointAlreadyExists |
CheckpointDoesNotExist |
CodeDoesNotExist |
CodeReservedByAnotherBriefcase |
CodesExist |
CodeStateInvalid |
ConflictsAggregate |
DatabaseOperationFailed |
DatabaseTemporarilyLocked |
EventSubscriptionAlreadyExists |
EventSubscriptionDoesNotExist |
EventTypeDoesNotExist |
FailedToGetAssetMembers |
FailedToGetAssetPermissions |
FailedToGetITwinById |
FailedToGetITwinMembers |
FailedToGetITwinPermissions |
FileAlreadyExists |
FileDoesNotExist |
FileHandlerNotSet |
FileIsNotUploaded |
FileNotFound |
iModelAlreadyExists |
iModelDoesNotExist |
iModelIsLocked |
iModelIsNotInitialized |
InitializationTimeout |
InvalidArgumentError |
InvalidBriefcase |
InvalidPropertiesValues |
ITwinDoesNotExist |
ITwinIdIsNotSpecified |
JobSchedulingFailed |
LockChunkDoesNotExist |
LockDoesNotExist |
LockOwnedByAnotherBriefcase |
LocksExist |
MaximumNumberOfBriefcasesPerUser |
MaximumNumberOfBriefcasesPerUserPerMinute |
MissingDownloadUrlError |
MissingRequiredProperties |
NotSupportedInBrowser |
OperationFailed |
PullIsRequired |
SeedFileInitializationFailed |
Success |
UndefinedArgumentError |
Unknown |
UserDoesNotHaveAccess |
UserDoesNotHavePermission |
VersionAlreadyExists |
Defined in
Last Updated: 18 February, 2025