VirtualizedPropertyGridProps Interface

Properties for VirtualizedPropertyGrid React component



Name Type Description
dataProvider IPropertyDataProvider Property data provider used by the property grid  
eventHandler IPropertyGridEventHandler Handler of the events raised from the property grid  
height number Height of the property grid component.  
highlight PropertyGridContentHighlightProps | undefined Properties for highlighting property data in the grid.  
model IPropertyGridModel Property grid view model that defines what needs to be rendered  
propertyCategoryRendererManager PropertyCategoryRendererManager | undefined Custom property category renderer manager.  
width number Width of the property grid component.  

Inherited properties

Name Type Inherited from Description
actionButtonRenderers ActionButtonRenderer[] | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Array of action button renderers.
actionButtonWidth number | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Fixed action button column width
alwaysShowEditor (property: PropertyRecord) => boolean | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Callback to determine which editors should be always visible
className string | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Custom CSS class name
horizontalOrientationMinWidth number | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps The minimum width before the auto-switch to Vertical when the width is too narrow.
isOrientationFixed boolean | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Indicates whether the orientation is fixed and does not auto-switch to Vertical when the width is too narrow.
isPropertyEditingEnabled boolean | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Enables/disables property editing
isPropertyHoverEnabled boolean | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Enables/disables property hovering effect
isPropertySelectionEnabled boolean | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Enables/disables property selection
isPropertySelectionOnRightClickEnabled boolean | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Enables/disables property selection with right click
itemId string | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Optional unique identifier for item.
minLabelWidth number | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Minimum allowed label column width, after which resizing stops
minValueWidth number | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Minimum allowed value column width, after which resizing stops
onPropertyContextMenu (args: PropertyGridContextMenuArgs) => void | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Called to show a context menu when properties are right-clicked
onPropertyEditing (args: PropertyEditingArgs, category: PropertyCategory) => void | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Callback for when properties are being edited
onPropertySelectionChanged (property: PropertyRecord) => void | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Callback to property selection
onPropertyUpdated (args: PropertyUpdatedArgs, category: PropertyCategory) => Promise<boolean> | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Callback for when properties are updated
orientation Orientation | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Grid orientation.
propertyValueRendererManager PropertyValueRendererManager | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Custom property value renderer manager
style React.CSSProperties | undefined CommonPropertyGridProps Custom CSS style properties

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024