FormatTraits Enumeration


Name Value Description
ApplyRounding Use the rounding factor. Not yet supported
ExponentOnlyNegative Indicates that if an exponent value is positive to not include a +. By default a sign, + or -, is always shown. Not yet supported
FractionDash Show a dash between whole value and fractional value
KeepDecimalPoint Show decimal point when value to right of decimal is empty
KeepSingleZero Indicates that the fractional part of the number is required when the fraction is zero
PrependUnitLabel Prepend unit label. Not yet supported
ShowUnitLabel Append the quantity's unit label
TrailZeroes Show trailing zeroes to requested precision.
Use1000Separator show a grouping in each group of 1000.
ZeroEmpty Zero magnitude returns blank display value

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024