IModelJson Namespace

ImodelJson namespace has classes for serializing and deserialization json objects


Name Description
IModelJson.Reader parser services for "iModelJson" schema
IModelJson.Writer Class to deserialize json objects into GeometryQuery objects


Name Description
IModelJson.ArcByVectorProps Interface for Arc3d value defined by center, vectorX, vectorY and sweepStartEnd.
IModelJson.AuxChannelDataProps Interface for the analytical data in a channel at a single input value.
IModelJson.AuxChannelProps Interface for a channel of analytical mesh data.
IModelJson.AuxDataProps Interface for analytical mesh data.
IModelJson.AxesProps * There are multiple ways to specify an orientation
IModelJson.BcurveProps Interface for bspline curve (aka bcurve)
IModelJson.BoxProps Interface for Box (or frustum with all rectangular sections parallel to primary xy section).
IModelJson.BSplineSurfaceProps Property rules for json objects that can be deserialized to a BsplineSurface
IModelJson.ConeProps Interface for Cone value defined by centers, radii, and (optional) vectors for circular section planes.
IModelJson.CurveCollectionProps Interface for a collection of curves, eg.
IModelJson.CurvePrimitiveProps Property rules for json objects that can be deserialized to various CurvePrimitives
IModelJson.CylinderProps Interface for cylinder defined by a radius and axis start and end centers.
IModelJson.GeometryProps Property rules for json objects that can be deserialized to various Curve and Solid objects
IModelJson.IndexedMeshProps Interface for an indexed mesh.
IModelJson.LinearSweepProps Interface for a linear sweep of a base curve or region.
IModelJson.PlanarRegionProps Interface for a collection of curves that bound a planar region
IModelJson.PointProps Property rules for json objects that can be deserialized to single point
IModelJson.RotationalSweepProps Interface for a rotational sweep of a base curve or region around an axis.
IModelJson.RuledSweepProps Interface for a surface with ruled sweeps between corresponding curves on successive contours
IModelJson.SolidPrimitiveProps Interface for solid primitives: box, sphere, cylinder, cone, torusPipe, linear sweep, rotational sweep, ruled sweep.
IModelJson.SphereProps Interface for Sphere (with optionally different radius to pole versus equator)
IModelJson.TaggedNumericDataProps Interface for extra data attached to an indexed mesh.
IModelJson.TorusPipeProps Interface for TorusPipe data
IModelJson.TransitionSpiralProps Interface for spiral

Defined in

Last Updated: 19 March, 2025