dihedralAngleSummary MethodStatic

Compute a number summarizing the dihedral angles in the mesh.

  • A dihedral angle is the signed angle between adjacent facets' normals. This angle is positive when the cross product normalA x normalB has the same direction as facetA's traversal of the facets' shared edge.

dihedralAngleSummary(source: Polyface, ignoreBoundaries: booleanfalse): number

Parameter Type Description
source Polyface mesh.
ignoreBoundaries boolean if true ignore simple boundary edges, i.e., allow unclosed meshes. Default is false.
See isConvexByDihedralAngleCount for comments about passing true when there are multiple
connected components.
* Return 0 if all dihedral angles are zero (and ignoreBoundaries === true). The mesh is planar.
* Otherwise, return 1 if all dihedral angles are non-negative. The mesh probably encloses a convex volume and
has outward normals.
* Otherwise, return -1 if all dihedral angles are non-positive. The mesh probably encloses a convex volume and
has inward normals.
* Otherwise, return -2. Also return -2 if a non-manifold condition was detected, or a facet normal could not
be computed. A non-manifold condition is a positive-length edge adjacent to more than 2 facets or (if
ignoreBoundaries is false) adjacent to exactly one facet.

Returns - number

Defined in

Last Updated: 24 January, 2025