announceSilhouetteEdges MethodStatic

Invoke the callback on each manifold edge whose adjacent facet normals form vectorToEye dot products with opposite sign.

  • The callback is not called on boundary edges.

announceSilhouetteEdges(source: PolyfaceVisitor | Polyface, announce: (pointA: Point3d, pointB: Point3d, vertexIndexA: number, vertexIndexB: number, facetIndex: number) => void, vectorToEye: Vector3d, sideAngle: Angle...): void

Parameter Type Description
source PolyfaceVisitor | Polyface polyface or visitor.
announce (pointA: Point3d, pointB: Point3d, vertexIndexA: number, vertexIndexB: number, facetIndex: number) => void callback function invoked on manifold silhouette edges.
vectorToEye Vector3d normal of plane in which to compute silhouette edges.
sideAngle Angle angular tolerance for perpendicularity test.

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 14 November, 2024