addUVGridBody Method

Add facets from the parametric surface.

  • Evaluate (numU + 1) * (numV + 1) grid points (in 0..1 in both u and v) on a surface.
  • Add the facets for numU * numV quads.
  • uv params are the 0..1 fractions.
  • Normals are cross products of u and v direction partial derivatives.

addUVGridBody(surface: UVSurface, numU: number, numV: number, uMap?: Segment1d, vMap?: Segment1d): void

Parameter Type Description
surface UVSurface UV surface to evaluate.
numU number number of intervals (edges) in the u direction (number of points is numU + 1).
numV number number of intervals (edges) in the v direction (number of points is numV + 1).
uMap Segment1d optional mapping from u fraction to parameter space (such as texture).
vMap Segment1d optional mapping from v fraction to parameter space (such as texture).

Returns - void

Defined in

Last Updated: 17 December, 2024